Many organizations, large and small, have strict security and compliance
requirements to only accept encrypted/TLS connections and not plain text

I'd like to discuss an issue which is preventing us from starting our ZK
clusters in TLS only mode (for client traffic).

As per dynamic reconfig doc

> Starting with 3.5.0 the *clientPort* and *clientPortAddress* configuration
> parameters should no longer be used. Instead, this information is now part
> of the server keyword specification, which becomes as follows:
> server.<positive id> = <address1>:<port1>:<port2>[:role];[<client port
> address>:]<client port>

Let's say the dynamic config entry of a server is
"server.1=abhilash-ubuntu:3183:4183:participant;". The server
starts up with a (plaintext) clientPort listener on 2181.

Now, if we want to make this server TLS-only, what options do we have? We
want to stop accepting plaintext traffic on 2181 and make the same port
accept TLS connections only (make clientPort as secureClientPort).

If we add "secureClientPort=2181" in zoo.cfg, then ZK server first starts a
plaintext listener on 2181 because of ";" in "server.1" dynamic
config entry and then attempts to start a TLS client listener on the same
port (2181) and fails. The reason for this behavior is already described in
ZOOKEEPER-4276 <'> (highly
recommended pre-read).

It is not possible to just remove the "<client port>" part from the
"server.1" entry as well (I believe it is mandatory from v3.5). I tried:

[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 4] reconfig -remove 1
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 5] reconfig -add
Arguments are not valid :

The reconfig command does not allow us to add a server entry without ";[<client
port address>:]<client port>".

How do we support a "TLS-only" cluster in this case?

My recommendation:

   1. If both clientPort and secureClientPort are not set in zoo.cfg, then
   use the client port address from dynamic config.
   2. If only clientPort is set in zoo.cfg, then it has to match the port
   in dynamic config and ZK starts a plaintext listener on this port.
   3. If only secureClientPort is set in zoo.cfg, then it has to match the
   port in dynamic config and ZK starts a TLS listener on this port.
   4. If both clientPort and secureClientPort are set in zoo.cfg, then the
   client port in zoo.cfg should match the port in dynamic config. ZK starts a
   plaintext listener on clientPort and TLS listener on secureClientPort (dual

This would reintroduce the requirement to set "clientPort" in zoo.cfg if
someone wants to start the cluster in dual mode.

For example,


will no longer be a valid config because of rule 3 above.

It has to be:


I can create a PR to make the above changes, but first I'd like to know
your thoughts on this and discuss further on whether there's a better way
to handle this.

Abhilash Kishore

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