On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 15:53:39 +0100, Robert Woerle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>it should work with XSendEvent shoudlnt it ??

I don't know. From what you told me I looked agina in the manuals and it
sounds like it should, but it doesn't.

Below is the code that I use in my small test programm. It grabs the pointer
events andthis works, as I recive all events no matter where I click, but I
played around with all settings of XSendEvent and I found no way where the
desktop resumed normal operation, as it should. My desktop runs at 1600x1200
this is why I have the if x = 1599.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <Xlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

static int *
null_X_error (Display * d, XErrorEvent * e)
  static int already = 0;

  /* The warning is displayed only once */
  if (already != 0)
    return (NULL);
  already = 1;

  printf ("\n*** Warning ***\n");
  printf ("Please, verify that there is not another program which grabs the

  return (NULL);

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  Display *d;
  XEvent e;
  char *dn;
  long mask;

  dn = XDisplayName(NULL);
  if(dn == NULL)
           printf("Error getting display name\n");

  d = XOpenDisplay(dn);
  if(d == NULL)

  XAllowEvents(d, AsyncBoth, CurrentTime);
  XSelectInput(d, DefaultRootWindow(d), ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask);

  XGrabButton (d, AnyButton, AnyModifier, DefaultRootWindow(d),
               False, ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask,
               GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None);

  XSetErrorHandler ((XErrorHandler) null_X_error);
           XNextEvent(d, &e);
           printf("Type: %u\n", e.type);
           mask = NoEventMask;
           switch (e.type)
               case ButtonPress:
                                if(e.xbutton.x != 1599)
                                         printf("ButtonPress: %u %u/%u\n", 
e.xbutton.x, e.xbutton.y);
                                         printf("Display: %08lX Window: %lu   Root: 
%lu  Sub: %lu\n",
e.xbutton.display, e.xbutton.window, e.xbutton.root, e.xbutton.subwindow);
                                         mask = ButtonPressMask;

               case ButtonRelease:
                                if(e.xbutton.x != 1599)
                                         printf("ButtonRelease: %u %u/%u\n", 
e.xbutton.x, e.xbutton.y);
                                         printf("Display: %08lX Window: %lu   Root: 
%lu  Sub: %lu\n",
e.xbutton.display, e.xbutton.window, e.xbutton.root, e.xbutton.subwindow);
                                         mask = ButtonReleaseMask;
//         if(mask != NoEventMask)
                        XSendEvent(e.xbutton.display, InputFocus, False, mask, &e);

  return 0;


Gerhard Gruber

Für jedes menschliche Problem gibt es immer eine einfache Lösung:
Klar, einleuchtend und falsch. (Henry Louis Mencken)

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