A new version of bodhi has just hit production.  This release contains
a number of bugfixes and improvements, along with some important process 



- Package update acceptance criteria compliance
       - Disable direct-to-stable pushes
       - Minimum time-in-testing requirements
           - Every day bodhi will look for updates that have been
             in testing for N days (fedora: N=7, epel: N=14), and will
             add a comment notifying the maintainer that the update is
             now able to be pushed to stable.
           - When someone tries to push an update to stable, bodhi will
             look to see if it has the appropriate karma, or if it has
             been in testing for more than N days.
- Critical path update changes
   - Hide obsolete updates in our critpath view
   - Disabled strict critical path procedures for EPEL
       - EPEL is back to the same process that it has always had
   - Add a new nagmail message for unapproved critical path updates
- RSS feed & grid of unapproved critical path updates
- RSS feed & grid of user-specific comments
- Package-specific RSS feeds of updates
- Add more links to the package-specific page
- Show 7 days worth of entries in our RSS feeds, as opposed to 20
   entries (https://fedorahosted.org/bodhi/ticket/339)
- Bodhi command-line client fixes
   - Output now goes to stdout, instead of stderr
     (Thanks to Till Maas)
   - Duplicate logging issue resolved
   - Support using --critpath and --type with --testable
- Link to the submitter and release on the home page & testing
   list (Thanks to Till Maas)
- Made the suggest_reboot flag actually configurable
- Notify the security team when an update is edited and turned into
   a security update (https://fedorahosted.org/bodhi/ticket/403)
- Only verify the autokarma thresholds if it is enabled (Thanks to
   Till Maas)
- Only touch bugs under the Fedora/EPEL Bugzilla products
- Prevent the masher from pushing obsolete updates
- Prevent obsolete updates from getting auto-promoted to stable
- Obsolete updates upon deletion, as opposed to destroying them.
- Added more unit tests (up to 122)
- Link up bug numbers and other URLs in the text of comments
- Document the `newpackage` update type in the bodhi-client commands
- Set bugs to MODIFIED upon submission
- Added a `bodhi --push-request={stable,testing}` command to
   improve our releng updates push workflow
- A new /updates/releases JSON API and python-fedora
   BodhiClient.get_releases() method for AutoQA
- Have the build auto-completion widget query candidate builds
   from koji, as opposed to looking in /mnt/koji/packages

Bugs & RFEs

Please file and bug reports or enhancement requests here:

devel-announce mailing list

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