A friendly reminder:

* Feature freeze is today, August 7, 2012 [1].
At this point, all accepted features should be
substantially complete, and testable. Additionally,
if a feature is to be enabled by default, it must 
be so enabled at Feature Freeze. See [2].

* Branch freeze is today too [3].

* Please update your Feature status - completion, 
last update date (should be at least 80% now!). 

* The FESCo review of incomplete Features is on next
meeting Aug 13! Features in a high risk to miss the
release could be removed from Fedora 18 Feature List
and even postponed to the next Fedora release! If you
think your Feature is in risk, let me know, comment
it in Feature Current Status section to make life of
FESCo easier.

In case of any questions, comments - please, contact


Btw. I'm on vacations this week but I'm checking emails.

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/18/Schedule
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Feature_Freeze_Policy
[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Branch_Freeze_Policy
Jaroslav Řezník <jrez...@redhat.com>
Your Feature Wrangler

Office: +420 532 294 275
Mobile: +420 602 797 774
Red Hat, Inc.                               http://www.redhat.com/

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