Greetings, all!

The elections for FESCo election for Fedora 32 have concluded, and the results
are shown below.

FESCo is electing 4 seats this time.
A total of 273 ballots were cast, meaning a candidate
could accumulate up to 2730 votes (273 * 10).

The results for the elections are as follows:

  # votes |  name
- --------+----------------------
    1507  | Neal Gompa (ngompa)
    1450  | Stephen Gallagher (sgallagh)
    1372  | Igor Raits (ignatenkobrain)
    1148  | Clément Verna (cverna)
- --------+----------------------
    1124  | Justin Forbes (jforbes)
     997  | Chris Murphy (chrismurphy)
     937  | Petr Šabata (psabata)
     904  | Frantisek Zatloukal (frantisekz)
     755  | James Cassell (cyberpear)
     730  | Michal Novotný (clime)

Congratulations to the winning candidates, and thank you all
candidates for running this elections!

For a full election rundown, see the Community Blog post:

Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Senior Program Manager, Fedora & CentOS Stream
Red Hat
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