On 06/27/19 13:31, co...@gmx.fr wrote:
> About a year ago, I changed 8000+ lines of text in edk2 to fix various typos.
> But I didn't split it all and I didn't create a hundred of patches by email 
> to get it all applied (except for a few folders of them).
> As it's still a lot of work to rebase it, split it, patch it and get it 
> reviewed, I wanted to make it easier for me, so I made a few branches and 
> pull requested those on GitHub:
> - https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/pull/143
> - https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/pull/144 ( 
> https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/pull/143 )
> - https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-libc/pull/1
> With branches & pull-requests, I can immediately detect conflicts when the 
> branch is out-of-sync with master, immediately rebase and more.
> With patches... well, they get LOST: try to find my unmerged patches from 
> February 2019 for instance...
> So those pulls are an experiment with low priority. I can change the licence 
> if needed (I don't even need attribution, I just want to help), or I can 
> perform other changes, but I would be much pleased if such experiment becomes 
> conclusive.

I stated my take on this in the following comments:

[1] https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/pull/143#issuecomment-506425815
[2] https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/pull/143#issuecomment-506430151

To capture them here:

[1] Antoine, I'll have to reject this github PR (similarly to other
github pull requests for the edk2 project). While we may have discussed
github pull requests for other projects on the list, such as
"Edk2-Library", to my knowledge we're not even considering an evaluation
of github pull requests for the main edk2 project. Please submit your
patch to the list for review. The point is exactly that patch review
happen on the list. Thanks.

[2] For the record, a few months ago we did evaluate github,
phabricator, and gitlab. Gerrit was added to the "evaluation backlog".
>From the three we checked, at that time, github proved the least
inferior to the mailing list. We identified a number of sticking points
which github.com should address before we could consider adopting it.


(Alternative links:


Nothing has changed since, to my knowledge, so I don't see a reason to
reopen the investigation.


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