On 06/04/2021 12:12 AM, Laszlo wrote:
> On 06/03/21 15:51, Yao, Jiewen wrote:
> > Hi, All
> > We plan to do a design review for TDVF in OVMF package.
> >
> >
> > The TDVF Design slides for TinaoCore Design Review Meeting (Jun 11) is
> > now available in blow link:
> > https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/files/Designs/2021/0611.
> >
> > The Bugzilla is https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3429
> >
> >
> >
> > You can have an offline review first. You comments will be warmly
> > welcomed and we will continuously update the slides based on the
> > feedbacks.
> Resending my earlier comments in this mailing list thread, with the feedback
> inserted at the proper spots that has been given in the off-list thread since
> then:
> *** Slides 4, 6, 7: the "one binary requirement".
I would like to hear other reviewers' comments on the "one binary requirement".
> (1) The presentation refers to "OvmfPkgX64.dsc" as "the one" on slide#4, but
> then the explanation for the requirement, given on slide 7, speaks about
> "common attestation interface".
> I think we have a misunderstanding here. The "OvmfPkgX64.dsc" platform
> indeed contains SEV, SEV-ES, and (in the future, will contain) SEV-SNP
> support. In that sense, adding TDX support to the same platform should be
> (hopefully) possible, at the cost of ugly gymnastics in the reset vector.
> But "OvmfPkgX64.dsc" is *already* different from the remotely attested
> OVMF platform, namely "OvmfPkg/AmdSev/AmdSevX64.dsc".
> The latter has some additional modules (secret PEIM and DXE driver), it has
> the Grub binary built in, and -- probably most importantly -- it trusts host-
> originated information less than "OvmfPkgX64.dsc".
> For example, "OvmfPkg/AmdSev/AmdSevX64.dsc" has a dedicated
> PlatformBootManagerLib instance, one that ignores the non-volatile UEFI
> variables Boot#### and BootOrder, and ignores (thus far) the fw_cfg
> originated kernel/initrd/cmdline as well.
> It remains an "area of research" to see what else should be removed from
> the traditional host-guest integration (which integration is usually desirable
> for management and convenience), in the remotely-attested boot scenario.
> See e.g.
> <https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3180>.
> My point is that the "one binary" that the slide deck refers to (i.e.,
> OvmfPkgX64.dsc) might prove OK for utilizing the Intel TDX *technology* in
> itself. Simply enabling OVMF + a guest OS to boot in a TDX domain.
> But "OvmfPkgX64.dsc" is *not* the "one binary" that is suitable for remote
> attestation, which has a much broader scope, involving multiple computers,
> networking, deployment, guest-owner/host-owner separation, whatever.
> For the latter, we needed a separate platform anyway, even with only SEV in
> mind; that's why "OvmfPkg/AmdSev/AmdSevX64.dsc" exists.
> *** Slides 8-9: general boot flow -- TDVF; TDVF Flow
> I'm likely missing a big bunch of background here, so just a few
> questions:
> (2) Not sure what RTMR is, but it's associated with "Enable TrustedBoot"
> -- so is a virtual TPM a hard requirement?
> ... Back from slide 10: "TCG measurement and event log framework w/o
> TPM" -- that's curious.
Comments of Dave & Erdem are pretty good to explain what RTMR is. 
> [response from Dave Gilbert:]
> > My reading of this is that the RTMR (and another set of similar
> > registers) are a TDX thing that is like the PCRs from a TPM but
> > without the rest of the TPM features;  so you can do the one-way
> > measurement into the RTMRs just like you do into a TPM PCR, and the
> > measurements pop out somewhere in the TDX quote.  Just like a TPM you
> > need the event log to make any sense of how the final hashed value
> > supposedly got to where it did.
> [response from Erdem Aktas:]
> > +1 to David on this. TDX provides 2 kinds of measurement registers:
> > MRTDs and RTMRs
> >
> (https://software.intel.com/content/dam/develop/external/us/en/documen
> > ts/tdx-module-1eas-v0.85.039.pdf section 10.1.2) . MRTDs are
> > build-time measurement registers which are updated when TDX is being
> > created. Once TDX is finalized (before the first run), the MRTDs are
> > finalized and cannot be updated anymore. On the other hand, while the
> > TD is running, TD can extend RTMRs through TDCALLs which will provide
> > TPM PCR kind of capabilities.
> ... Back from slide 43: feel free to skip this now; I will comment in more 
> detail
> below.
> (3) Prepare AcpiTable -- OVMF fetches ACPI tables from QEMU; is this a new
> (firmware originated) table that is installed in addition, or does it replace
> QEMU's tables?
> ... Ignore for now, will comment on the MADT stuff later.
> (4) Does DMA management mean a different IOMMU protocol? That is going
> to conflict with the SEV IOMMU protocol. Depexes in OVMF expect one or
> zero IOMMU protocols to be present.
There is only one IOMMU protocol. We will merge TDX features into the current 
SEV IOMMU implementation. Td or Non-Td will be probed in run-time, so that the 
corresponding APIs will be called to clear/set the memory encryption mask for 
SEV or the shared bit for TDX.
> ... Back from slide 40: feel free to skip this now; I'll comment on this
> separately, below.
> (5) Enumerate VirtIO -- virtio enumeration is PCI based on x86. But I see no
> mention of PCI. If you mean VirtioMmioDeviceLib, that's no good, because it
> does not support virtio-1.0, only virtio-0.9.5.
> ... Back from slide 42: I got my answer to this on slide 42, so don't worry
> about this point.
I will comment it in my later response.
> (6) The PEI phase is skipped as a whole. I don't see how that can be
> reasonably brought together with either "OvmfPkgX64.dsc" or
> "OvmfPkg/AmdSev/AmdSevX64.dsc". I guess you can always modify SEC to
> jump into DXE directly, but then why keep the PEI core and a bunch of PEIMs
> in the firmware binary?
This is because of the *one binary*. In non-Td guest, Legacy OVMF still need 
PEI core and the PEIMs. 
> Also touched on by slide 9, TDVF Flow -- PEI is eliminated but SEC becomes
> more heavy-weight.
I have to admit SEC is more heavy-weight in Td guest. TdxStartupLib wraps the 
whole stuff in SEC phase.
> Wouldn't this deserve a dedicated, separate platform DSC? The 8-bit/32-bit
> branching at the front of the reset vector is a smaller complication in
> comparison.
> Slide 6 references the mailing list archive:
>   https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/topic/81969494#74319
> and in that message, I wrote:
>     I'm doubtful that this is a unique problem ("just fix the reset
>     vector") the likes of which will supposedly never return during the
>     integration of SEV and TDX
> See also:
>   https://listman.redhat.com/archives/edk2-devel-archive/2021-
> April/msg00784.html
> where I said:
>     It's not lost on me that we're talking about ~3 instructions.
>     Let's keep a close eye on further "polymorphisms" that would require
>     hacks.
> The first 9 slides in the presentation introduce much-much more intrusive
> problems than the "polymorphism" of the reset vector. Would I be correct to
> say that my concern in the above messages was right? I think I was only given
> a fraction of the necessary information when I was asked "do you agree 'one
> binary' is viable".
> [response from Erdem Aktas:]
> > Let's not worry about this for now. We want the one binary solution
> > for practical reasons and also for simplicity.  In the end, we want to
> > do what is right and good for everyone.
> > Those are legit concerns and I think what Intel is trying to do (sorry
> > for mind reading) is to discuss all those concerns and questions to
> > make the right decision. I really appreciate their effort on preparing
> > those slides and bringing it to the community to review.
> >
> > I will also read your comments more carefully and provide my thoughts
> > on them.
> > Sorry for being a little slow on this.
> *** Slide 10 -- Key impact to firmware
> (7) "CPUs are left running in long mode after exiting firmware" -- what kind 
> of
> "pen" are we talking about? Does a HLT loop still work?
It is expected that TDX-VMM lauchs all CPUs to the ResetVector(0xfffffff0). 
After reset, all CPUs run the same initialization code (protected mode -> long 
mode) until Sec Entrypoint. (see slides 22)
After that APs spin at TdMailBox waiting for the commands (from BSP). Before 
jumping to DXE phase, TdMailBox will be relocated to a new address which is 
recorded in MADT table. APs then are waked up by BSP and spin at that new 
TdMailbox and wait for command. 
After exiting firmware, APs are spinning and waiting for OS to wake them up. OS 
send the wake up command to the TdMailbox by reading the MADT table.

> (8) "I/O, MMIO, MSR accesses are different" -- those are implemented by
> low-level libraries in edk2; how can they be configured dynamically?
I will add more description of the basic IoLib in next version design slides.
Simply say we probe Td or Non-Td in run-time and then call the corresponding IO 
MmioRead8 (
  IN      UINTN                     Address
  UINT8                             Value;

  if (IsTdGuest ()) {
    Value = TdMmioRead8 (Address);
    return Value;

  MemoryFence ();
  Value = *(volatile UINT8*)Address;
  MemoryFence ();

  return Value;
> ... Back from slide 53: I'll comment on slide 53 separately; ignore this.
> *** Slide 11 -- TDVF Image (1)
> (9) CFV -- Configuration Firmware Volume (VarStore.fdf.inc), containing SB
> keys -- how is this firmware volume populated (at build time)? Is this a
> hexdump?
CFV is populated in post build. We can provide such python scripts to do the SB 
keys enrollment. 

I will continue my comments in my next mail.
[To be continued]

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