BTW, regarding 3) below, it looks like this is expected behavior from Clang/
LLVM. Dereferencing a NULL pointer is technically undefined in C, and by 
default the Clang optimizer will cause a trap to occur if you try to do it 
(because it assumes it's not safe for programs to do that).

The flag -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks can be used to avoid this behavior. 
This flag seems to be valid for Clang 9 and later. This is slightly more 
efficient than using the volatile keyword to defeat the optimizer. This flag 
is also for GCC.


> Hello all:
> Recently I discovered that you can enable CSM compatibility mode in OVMF and
> decided to build some images with this feature Because Of Reasons (tm). My
> platform is:
> FreeBSD/amd64 12.2-RELEASE
> Clang/LLVM 10.0.1
> QEMU 6.2.0
> These days FreeBSD uses Clang as its native compiler. 12.2-RELEASE comes
> with version 10.0.1, but you also have the option of installing more recent
> Clang/ LLVM versions up to 12.0.1 as supplemental packages. I noticed that
> CLANGDWARF is a supported tool spec for the X64 and IA32 build targets so I
> decided to try that.
> Unfortunately I ran into a couple of problems:
> 1) Compilation of OvmfPkg/Library/VmgExitLib/VmgExitVcHandler.c fails due to
> uninitialized local variable.
> /mnt/home/wpaul/edk2/edk2/OvmfPkg/Library/VmgExitLib/VmgExitVcHandler.c:
> 1875:9: error: variable 'Compacted' is used uninitialized whenever 'if'
> condition is false [-Werror,-Wsometimes-uninitialized]
>     if (EcxIn == 1) {
>         ^~~~~~~~~~
> /mnt/home/wpaul/edk2/edk2/OvmfPkg/Library/VmgExitLib/VmgExitVcHandler.c:
> 1895:12: note: uninitialized use occurs here
>            Compacted
>            ^~~~~~~~~
> /mnt/home/wpaul/edk2/edk2/OvmfPkg/Library/VmgExitLib/VmgExitVcHandler.c:
> 1875:5: note: remove the 'if' if its condition is always true
>     if (EcxIn == 1) {
>     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> /mnt/home/wpaul/edk2/edk2/OvmfPkg/Library/VmgExitLib/VmgExitVcHandler.c:
> 1871:37: note: initialize the variable 'Compacted' to silence this warning
>     BOOLEAN                Compacted;
>                                     ^
>                                      = '\0'
> I changed line 1871 to:
>     BOOLEAN                Compacted = FALSE;
> and that fixed it. I suspect this may be a case where Clang is being a bit
> more strict than GCC about uninitialized variables.
> 2) Linking fails with numerous errors of the following kind:
> ld.lld: error: can't create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_64 against local
> symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass '-Wl,-
> z,notext' to allow text relocations in the output
> >>> defined in
> >>> /mnt/home/wpaul/edk2/edk2/Build/OvmfX64/RELEASE_CLANGDWARF/X64/
> UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuExceptionHandlerLib/SecPeiCpuExceptionHandlerLib/OUTPU
> T/ SecPeiCpuExceptionHandlerLib.lib(ExceptionHandlerAsm.obj)
> If I edit tools_def.txt and change RELEASE_CLANGDWARF_X64_DLINK_FLAGS so
> that it includes -Wl,-z,notext as the error suggests, then everything links
> as expected. (The same thing is needed for DEBUG_CLANGDWARF_X64_DLINK_FLAGS
> This problem only occurs when building for X64. IA32 seems ok.
> Is there any particular reason why these flags aren't there already?
> 3) Although fixing the above two problems allows me to produce a complete
> OVMF.fd image, it crashes at start-up with the runtime error:
> !!!! X64 Exception Type - 06(#UD - Invalid Opcode)  CPU Apic ID - 00000000
> !!!!
> RIP  - 000000007EC8A7DB, CS  - 0000000000000038, RFLAGS - 0000000000010206
> RAX  - 0000000000000000, RCX - 000000007F5A0880, RDX - 000000007FF2BAE0
> RBX  - 000000007FF2BBF0, RSP - 000000007FF2BB20, RBP - 000000005A1C5000
> RSI  - 000000007FF2BB48, RDI - 0000000000000000
> R8   - 0000000000000008, R9  - 0000000000000000, R10 - 0000000000000000
> R11  - 000000007FF41C90, R12 - 0000000000058080, R13 - 000000007FF2BC20
> R14  - 00000000000F6DB0, R15 - 0000000000000000
> DS   - 0000000000000030, ES  - 0000000000000030, FS  - 0000000000000030
> GS   - 0000000000000030, SS  - 0000000000000030
> CR0  - 0000000080010033, CR2 - 0000000000000000, CR3 - 000000007FC01000
> CR4  - 0000000000000668, CR8 - 0000000000000000
> DR0  - 0000000000000000, DR1 - 0000000000000000, DR2 - 0000000000000000
> DR3  - 0000000000000000, DR6 - 00000000FFFF0FF0, DR7 - 0000000000000400
> GDTR - 000000007F9EC000 0000000000000047, LDTR - 0000000000000000
> IDTR - 000000007F5A4018 0000000000000FFF,   TR - 0000000000000000
> FXSAVE_STATE - 000000007FF2B780
> !!!! Find image based on IP(0x7EC8A7DB) (No PDB) 
> (ImageBase=000000007EC87000, EntryPoint=000000007EC8D7A6) !!!!
> The same thing occurs for IA32:
> !!!! IA32 Exception Type - 06(#UD - Invalid Opcode)  CPU Apic ID - 00000000
> !!!!
> EIP  - 7ECF72D4, CS  - 00000010, EFLAGS - 00010206
> EAX  - 00000008, ECX - 00000000, EDX - 7F8EEE10, EBX - 5000A19D
> ESP  - 7FF33D44, EBP - 7FF33E4C, ESI - 7FF33D4C, EDI - 7ECFB04C
> DS   - 00000008, ES  - 00000008, FS  - 00000008, GS  - 00000008, SS -
> 00000008 CR0  - 80010033, CR2 - 00000000, CR3 - 7FC01000, CR4 - 00000660
> DR0  - 00000000, DR1 - 00000000, DR2 - 00000000, DR3 - 00000000
> DR6  - FFFF0FF0, DR7 - 00000400
> GDTR - 7F9EC000 00000047, IDTR - 7F5E5010 000007FF
> LDTR - 00000000, TR - 00000000
> !!!! Find image based on IP(0x7ECF72D4) (No PDB) 
> (ImageBase=000000007ECF4000, EntryPoint=000000007ECF9FBD) !!!!
> This one had me going for a while, but I eventually traced it down to
> LegacyBiosInt86() in OvmfPkg/Csm/LegacyBiosDxe/Thunk.c.
> In that function, there is this code:
>   UINT16  Segment;
>   UINT16  Offset;
> [...]
>   //
>   // The base address of legacy interrupt vector table is 0.
>   // We use this base address to get the legacy interrupt handler.
>   //
>     Segment = (UINT16)(((UINT32 *)0)[BiosInt] >> 16);
>     Offset  = (UINT16)((UINT32 *)0)[BiosInt];
>     );
> As the comment notes, here, we're trying to directly read from address 0
> using BiosInt as an offset. This seems to trigger a problem with the Clang
> optimizer. The disassembled output looks like this:
> 0000000000003786 <LegacyBiosInt86>:
>     3786:       56                      push   %rsi
>     3787:       48 83 ec 60             sub    $0x60,%rsp
>     378b:       41 0f b7 40 18          movzwl 0x18(%r8),%eax
>     3790:       25 d4 0c 00 00          and    $0xcd4,%eax
>     3795:       0d 02 30 00 00          or     $0x3002,%eax
>     379a:       66 41 89 40 18          mov    %ax,0x18(%r8)
>     379f:       48 8d 74 24 28          lea    0x28(%rsp),%rsi
>     37a4:       48 83 66 18 00          andq   $0x0,0x18(%rsi)
>     37a9:       48 8b 05 a8 59 00 00    mov    0x59a8(%rip),%rax        #
> 9158 <gDS>
>     37b0:       31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx
>     37b2:       48 89 f2                mov    %rsi,%rdx
>     37b5:       ff 50 38                call   *0x38(%rax)
>     37b8:       4c 8b 46 18             mov    0x18(%rsi),%r8
>     37bc:       41 0f ba e0 0d          bt     $0xd,%r8d
>     37c1:       73 18                   jae    37db <LegacyBiosInt86+0x55>
>     37c3:       48 8b 05 8e 59 00 00    mov    0x598e(%rip),%rax        #
> 9158 <gDS>
>     37ca:       49 81 e0 ff df ff ff    and    $0xffffffffffffdfff,%r8
>     37d1:       ba 00 10 00 00          mov    $0x1000,%edx
>     37d6:       31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx
>     37d8:       ff 50 40                call   *0x40(%rax)
>     37db:       0f 0b                   ud2    <--- er... what?
> Note the "ud2" instruction. I have no idea what that's supposed to be, but
> it looks like Clang just gives up generating any further instructions once
> it hits this code.
> I reduced this to a very simple sample C program that also reproduces the
> problem:
> #include <stdint.h>
> extern int somefunc (uint16_t s, uint16_t o);
> int
> foo (uint8_t BiosInt)
> {
>         uint16_t Segment;
>         uint16_t Offset;
>         Segment = (uint16_t)(((uint32_t *)0)[BiosInt] >> 16);
>         Offset  = (uint16_t)((uint32_t *)0)[BiosInt];
>         return somefunc (Segment, Offset);
> }
> If I compile this with:
> % clang -O2 -c edk.c
> then I get this:
> 0000000000000000 <foo>:
>    0:   55                      push   %rbp
>    1:   48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
>    4:   0f 0b                   ud2
> If I compile with GCC instead:
> % gcc10 -O2 -c edk.c
> then I get this:
> 0000000000000000 <foo>:
>    0:   40 0f b6 ff             movzbl %dil,%edi
>    4:   8b 3c bd 00 00 00 00    mov    0x0(,%rdi,4),%edi
>    b:   0f b7 f7                movzwl %di,%esi
>    e:   c1 ef 10                shr    $0x10,%edi
>   11:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmp    16 <foo+0x16>
> If I compile with Clang using -O0 to disable optimization, then it produces
> code:
> 0000000000000000 <foo>:
>    0:   55                      push   %rbp
>    1:   48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
>    4:   48 83 ec 10             sub    $0x10,%rsp
>    8:   31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax
>    a:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx
>    c:   40 88 7d ff             mov    %dil,-0x1(%rbp)
>   10:   0f b6 45 ff             movzbl -0x1(%rbp),%eax
>   14:   89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx
>   16:   8b 04 91                mov    (%rcx,%rdx,4),%eax
>   19:   c1 e8 10                shr    $0x10,%eax
>   1c:   66 89 45 fc             mov    %ax,-0x4(%rbp)
>   20:   0f b6 75 ff             movzbl -0x1(%rbp),%esi
>   24:   89 f2                   mov    %esi,%edx
>   26:   8b 34 91                mov    (%rcx,%rdx,4),%esi
>   29:   66 89 75 fa             mov    %si,-0x6(%rbp)
>   2d:   66 8b 45 fc             mov    -0x4(%rbp),%ax
>   31:   0f b7 f8                movzwl %ax,%edi
>   34:   0f b7 75 fa             movzwl -0x6(%rbp),%esi
>   38:   e8 00 00 00 00          call   3d <foo+0x3d>
>   3d:   48 83 c4 10             add    $0x10,%rsp
>   41:   5d                      pop    %rbp
>   42:   c3                      ret
> Note that this is with Clang 10.0.1, however I observe exactly the same
> results with Clang 12.0.1.
> I was able to fix this locally (for both X64 and IA32 targets) this by doing
> this:
>   UINT16  Segment;
>   UINT16  Offset;
>   volatile UINT32 * Page0 = NULL;
> [...]
>     Segment = (UINT16)(Page0[BiosInt] >> 16);
>     Offset  = (UINT16)Page0[BiosInt];
>     );
> Note that the addition of the volatile keyword seems to be the key. If you
> wanted to make the change simpler, you could also just do this:
>     Segment = (UINT16)(((volatile UINT32 *)0)[BiosInt] >> 16);
>     Offset  = (UINT16)((volatile UINT32 *)0)[BiosInt];
>     );
> (To my eyes, the other way is more readable, but others may disagree.)
> With these three issues fixed, I'm able to boot and run my OVMF.fd images
> for both X64 and IA32, and they're able to also boot and run the loaders
> and OS images that I'm testing.
> I'm not sure how much testing the CLANGDWARF toolspec is getting these days,
> but maybe it should get a little more. Is there any chance these issues
> could be addressed?
> -Bill

-Bill Paul            (510) 749-2329 | VxWorks Software Architect,
        | Master of Unix-Fu - Wind River Systems
   "I put a dollar in a change machine. Nothing changed." - George Carlin

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