[AMD Official Use Only - General]

Thanks for the reply Mike,
>>> I think it would be good to clarify when a difference in implementation is 
>>> due to a CPU Arch difference or a Vendor implementation difference.
Right, we can have a paragraph to clarify the difference of CPU Arch or a 
vendor implementation of the same CPU Arch.

If the difference of CPU Arch or a vendor implementation triggers the module 
reconstruction; and it is a new module or the delta is huge to share the same 
module, then the file/module name should follow the naming rule you listed 
It the difference could be added to the existing module, then I think we just 
keep the existing naming of the file/module to prevent from introducing the 
impacts on the existing platform or projects meta files.

>>>I am not sure if we should use "Common" in the naming conventions.  I think 
>>>by default, any content that is not CpuArch or Vendor specific could be 
>>>considered common content.
Yes agree. The existing file could be a common file if there is no CpuArch or 
Vendor tag in the file/module name. However, there would be four scenarios,

  1.  CpuArch or vendor specific tag in the existing module/file name and some 
of the code could be leverage by other arch/vendor:

Strip away the share code and put it into new file and name it without 
arch/vendor tag. We don't need "common" in the file name.

  1.  No CpuArch or vendor specific tag in the existing module/file name and 
some of the code could be leverage by other arch/vendor:

Strip away the arch/vendor specific code and put it into new file named with 
arch/vendor tag.

  1.  No CpuArch or vendor specific tag in the existing module/file name and 
the code can be fully leveraged.

Keep it without any change on file/module name.

  1.  If the existing file has the "Common" tag, then just keep it as it.

How is it?

I will revise the doc. I don't see the good place to create this doc and PR for 
the review online. I would just create a markdown file under 
tianocore.github.io/docs just for the temporary. Any other suggestions?


From: Kinney, Michael D <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2022 2:01 AM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io; Chang, Abner <abner.ch...@amd.com>; Kinney, Michael D 
Cc: Ni, Ray <ray...@intel.com>; Sunil V L <suni...@ventanamicro.com>; lichao 
<lic...@loongson.cn>; Kirkendall, Garrett <garrett.kirkend...@amd.com>; Grimes, 
Paul <paul.gri...@amd.com>; He, Jiangang <jiangang...@amd.com>; Attar, 
AbdulLateef (Abdul Lateef) <abdullateef.at...@amd.com>; Leif Lindholm 
<quic_llind...@quicinc.com>; Andrew Fish <af...@apple.com>
Subject: RE: The principles of EDK2 module reconstruction for archs

Caution: This message originated from an External Source. Use proper caution 
when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding.

Hi Abner,

I think it would be good to clarify when a difference in implementation is due 
to a CPU Arch difference or a Vendor implementation difference.

I would also be good to provide guidelines for directory names and file names 
for all EDK II meta data file types.  Here are some examples to get started:

Package Directory Name:                          <PackageName>Pkg
Package DEC File Name:                                            

             <PackageName>              REQUIRED           *

Module Directory Name:                           <ModuleName><Phase>
Feature >/<Phase>
Module INF File Name:                              <ModuleName><Phase>.inf

             <Feature>                           OPTIONAL           Only used 
if implementation does not have any shared code between phases (e.g. 
             <Phase>                              REQUIRED           Base, Sec, 
Pei, Dxe, DxeRuntime, Mm, StandaloneMm, Smm, Uefi
             <ModuleName>                REQUIRED           *

Library Instance Directory Name:             
Library Instance INF File Name:              

             <Phase>                              REQUIRED           Base, Sec, 
Pei, Dxe, DxeRuntime, Mm, StandaloneMm, Smm, Uefi
             <CpuArch>                         OPTIONAL           Ia32, X64, 
Arm, AArch64, RiscV64, LoongArch64, Ebc                                        
If not provided, then component supports >=2 or all CPU archs
             <Vendor>                           OPTIONAL           *
             <LibraryClassName>        REQUIRED           *
             <Dependency>                  OPTIONAL           *             
Typically name of PPI, Protocol, LibraryClass that the implementation is 
layered on top of.

Source File Paths within a Library/Module instance

             <CpuArch>                         OPTIONAL           Ia32, X64, 
Arm, AArch64, RiscV64, LoongArch64, Ebc

I think the point you are raising in the discussion is that sometimes there may 
be shared content between a small subset of CPU archs (e.g. IA32/X64 or 
Arm/AArch64 or RiscV32/RiscV64/RiscV128) and that you are proposing a new 
standard directory name for these combinations.  Your proposal is X86 for a 
directory that contains content for both IA32 and X64.  You are also wanting to 
support vendor specific content in the naming convention.  An example where it 
is already being done is in MdePkg/Include/Registers/<VendorName>.   So an 
enhancement to the above Source File Paths would be:

Source File Paths within a Library/Module instance

             <CpuArch>                         OPTIONAL           Ia32, X64, 
Arm, AArch64, RiscV64, LoongArch64, Ebc, X86
             <Vendor>                           OPTIONAL           *

I am not sure if we should use "Common" in the naming conventions.  I think by 
default, any content that is not CpuArch or Vendor specific could be considered 
common content.



From: devel@edk2.groups.io<mailto:devel@edk2.groups.io> 
<devel@edk2.groups.io<mailto:devel@edk2.groups.io>> On Behalf Of Chang, Abner 
via groups.io
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2022 8:39 AM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io<mailto:devel@edk2.groups.io>
Cc: Ni, Ray <ray...@intel.com<mailto:ray...@intel.com>>; Kinney, Michael D 
<michael.d.kin...@intel.com<mailto:michael.d.kin...@intel.com>>; Sunil V L 
<suni...@ventanamicro.com<mailto:suni...@ventanamicro.com>>; lichao 
<lic...@loongson.cn<mailto:lic...@loongson.cn>>; Kirkendall, Garrett 
<garrett.kirkend...@amd.com<mailto:garrett.kirkend...@amd.com>>; Grimes, Paul 
<paul.gri...@amd.com<mailto:paul.gri...@amd.com>>; He, Jiangang 
<jiangang...@amd.com<mailto:jiangang...@amd.com>>; Attar, AbdulLateef (Abdul 
Lateef) <abdullateef.at...@amd.com<mailto:abdullateef.at...@amd.com>>; Leif 
Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com<mailto:quic_llind...@quicinc.com>>; Andrew 
Fish <af...@apple.com<mailto:af...@apple.com>>
Subject: [edk2-devel] The principles of EDK2 module reconstruction for archs

[AMD Official Use Only - General]

Today in edk2 open design meeting, we went through the draft of principles of 
the EDK2 module reconstruction for accommodating different archs (IA32, X64, 
Arm, AArch64, RiscV64, Loongson64 and etc.) or different vendors of the same 
arch (AMD/Intel to IA32 and X64).

@Ray Ni<mailto:ray...@intel.com> and 

  1.  We may need somewhere on edk2 repo or another place that can have PR for 
the easy review, please let me know where I can create the PR instead of 
reviewing this through dev mailing list.
  2.  I didn't mention using CPUID, Family ID or PCD to have the different code 
path for AMD and Intel. The reason is,

     *   This decreases the readability of code.
     *   That makes a confusing to the review process

                                                       i.     Says the 
maintainer/reviewer owns the package, however the patch is specific to AMD 
implementation but the change is in the file that mixes up Intel and AMD code. 
Then who is supposed the right person to give the reviewed-by? Perhaps the AMD 
edk2 module maintainers or reviewers is the proper person to give the 
reviewed-by for this case. Of course, other maintainers still can join the 
review process and give the comments. So to separate the arch-specific code in 
a arch-specific source file simplifies the review, even that is just a small 
delta between two implementations.

                                                      ii.     We can have the 
maintainers or reviewers for the entire module or *Amd* files only. So the 
maintainers/reviewers do not have to review the changes that only made for 
other archs. But they have to help reviewing the common code if that gets 

  1.  I didn't mention to have <phase><arch><basename> for the new module. I 
prefer we just inherit the original module name or file name so we can know the 
module or the source file has the different implementation for archs in the 
file browser (when the files are sorted in alphabet).

Lets discuss this using PR if possible.

Below is the draft of principles:

The principle is mainly for UefiCpuPKg, but the same principle maybe applied to 
the EDK2 module that has the processor architecture dependence (such as the 
BaseLib under MdePkg/Library). Most of the EDK2 modules under UefiCpuPkg were 
developed specifically to IA32/X64 architecture, that is necessary to 
reconstruct the folder or revise the source files to accommodate other 
processor architectures. The EDK2 module reconstruction is also required for 
accommodating the same-arch-but-different-vendor's implementation (e.g., Intel 
and AMD for the X86 based processors). The EDK2 module may be strictly 
developed based on the specific processor architecture. The new introduced 
implementation for other processor architectures may consider to have a 
separate EDK2 module instance. Not all of the EDK2 modules revising can exactly 
meet the principles listed below, that depends on the delta between the 
original EDK2 module and the implementation for the new introduced processor 
architecture. It may require the further discussions with EDK2 module 

The [Arch] refers to the Processor Architecture.
The [Module] refer to the EDK2 module.
The [X86] refers to both IA32 and X64.

The principles to create the X86 folder in the module:

  1.  When X86-vendor's implementation is introduced to the existing module:

  1.  The folder reconstruction:
A-1. If the module is obviously used by IA32/X64 only

  *   No need to create X86 folder
  *   Create X86-vendor's stuff under the root directory of module
A-2. If the existing module is expected to accommodate the different archs or 
the module already has multiple archs:

  *   Create X86 folder
  *   Create X86-vendor's stuff under X86 folder

  1.  The files reconstruction:
B-1. The module INF metafile

  *   The existing INF metafile should be kept without relocation. Should not 
have the impacts to the existing DSC/FDF file.
  *   The new introduced INF metafile should be located under the root 
directory of module with the file naming format as below. This keeps the 
consistent module file structure.

     *   <OriginalFileName><arch>.inf

                     B-2. Source files
                              The new arch implementation is introduced to the 
module in order to leverage the source code and the module design architecture, 

  *   That is contributor's responsibility to review the source code and strip 
the arch-dependent code away and put it into the arch-specific file. Leave the 
common code in the original file if there is no arch-specific and 
arch-specific-feature wordings in the file name. Create a common file for the 
common implementation otherwise.

     *   The file naming for the arch-specific file

<OriginalFileName ><arch>.*

     *   The file naming for the common implementation

< OriginalFileNaming >Common.*

  *   That is contributor's responsibility to relocate the arch-specific source 
files to the arch-specific folder.
  *   That is contributor's responsibility to make sure the original INF 
metafile can properly pull-in the source file from arch-specific folder after 
the source file reconstruction.
  *   The common source files should be located under the root directory of 

  1.  When a new arch's implementation is introduced to the existing module 
which was developed for the specific arch:

  1.  The folder reconstruction:

  *   Create arch folder for the existing arch implementation
  *   Create the arch folder for the new introduced arch

  1.  The files reconstruction:

B-1. The module INF metafile

  *   The existing INF file should be kept without the relocation. Should not 
have the impacts to the existing DSC/FDF file.
  *   The new introduced INF metafile should be located under the root 
directory of module with the file naming format as below. This keeps the 
consistent module file structure.

     *   < OriginalFileNaming><arch>.inf

B-2. Source files
                             The new arch implementation is introduced to this 
module in order to leverage the source code and the module design architecture, 

  *   That is contributor's responsibility to review the source code and strip 
the arch-dependent code away and put it into the arch-specific file. Leave the 
common code in the original file if there is no arch-specific wording in the 
file name. Create a common file for the common implementation otherwise.

     *   The file naming for the arch-specific source file

< OriginalFileNaming ><arch>.*

     *   The file naming for the common implementation


  *   That is contributor's responsibility to relocate the arch-specific source 
files to the arch-specific folder.
  *   That is contributor's responsibility to make sure the original INF 
metafile can properly pull-in the source file from arch-specific folder after 
the source file reconstruction.
  *   The common source files should be located under the root directory of 

  1.  When a new arch implementation has a huge delta with the original 

Create a separate module instance. The naming of the module should follow below 

  *   Add the arch prefix with the original module name:

< OriginalModuleNaming><arch>

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