> +
> +  MapAttribute.Uint64         = mReservedTopOfApStack;

1. Above assignment is too early because mReservedTopOfApStack hasn't been 

> +  MapAttribute.Bits.Present   = 1;
> +  MapAttribute.Bits.ReadWrite = 1;
> +
> +  MapMask.Bits.PageTableBaseAddress = 1;
> +  MapMask.Bits.Present              = 1;
> +  MapMask.Bits.ReadWrite            = 1;
> +
> +  PageTable           = 0;
> +  PageTableBufferSize = 0;

2. Can you please move all the assignment of MapAttribute and MapMask, also 
PageTable/PageTableBufferSize to
the else body below (Intel flow)?

> +    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "AP Page Table Buffer Size = %x\n", 
> PageTableBufferSize));
3. This is not an ERROR debug message. Can you please remove the debug message 
or change the error level to DEBUG_INFO?

4. Can you please update the copyright year to 2022?


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