> Thanks. This documentation (in the commit message and the lib class
> header file) seems really good (especially with the formatting updates
> suggested by Ray).
> (1) I think there is one typo: exist <-> exits.

agree, I will fix this.

> > +SmmCpuSyncContextReset (
> > +  );
> (2) The file-top documentation says about this API: "ContextReset() is
> called before CPU exist SMI, which allows CPU to check into the next SMI
> from this point".
> It is not clear *which* CPU is supposed to call ContextReset (and the
> function does not take a CPU index). Can you explain this in the
> documentation? (Assuming my observation makes sense.)

For SMM CPU driver, it shall the BSP to call the function since BSP will gather 
all APs to exit SMM synchronously, it's the role to control the overall SMI 
execution flow.

For the API itself, I don't restrict which CPU can do that. It depends on the 
consumer. So, it's not the mandatory, that's the reason I don't mention that.

But you are right, here, it has a requirement: the elected CPU calling this 
function need make sure all CPUs are ready to exist SMI. I can clear document 
this requirement as below:

"This function is called by one of CPUs after all CPUs are ready to exist SMI, 
which allows CPU to check into the next SMI from this point."

Besides, one comment from Ray: we can ASSERT the SmmCpuSyncCtx is not NULL, 
don't need return status to handle all such case. if so, the RETURN_STATUS is 
not required.

So, based on all above, I will update the API as below:

  Reset SMM CPU Sync context. SMM CPU Sync context will be reset to the 
initialized state.

  This function is called by one of CPUs after all CPUs are ready to exist SMI, 
which allows CPU to
  check into the next SMI from this point.

  If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().

  @param[in,out]  Context     Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object to be 

SmmCpuSyncContextReset (

> > +SmmCpuSyncGetArrivedCpuCount (
> > +  IN     SMM_CPU_SYNC_CONTEXT  *SmmCpuSyncCtx,
> > +  IN OUT UINTN                 *CpuCount
> > +  );
> (3) Why is CpuCount IN OUT? I would think just OUT should suffice.

Agree. I will correct all similar case. Besides, I also received the comments 
from Ray offline:
1. we can ASSERT the SmmCpuSyncCtx is not NULL, don't need return status to 
handle that.
2. we don't need RETURN_UNSUPPORTED,  GetArrivedCpuCount() should be always 
With above comments, I will update the API as below to return the count 
directly, this is also aligned with the function name to get arrived CPU Count:

  Get current number of arrived CPU in SMI.

  BSP might need to know the current number of arrived CPU in SMI to make sure 
all APs
  in SMI. This API can be for that purpose.

  If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().

  @param[in]      Context     Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.

  @retval    Current number of arrived CPU in SMI.

SmmCpuSyncGetArrivedCpuCount (

> > +SmmCpuSyncCheckInCpu (
> > +  IN     UINTN                 CpuIndex
> > +  );
> (4) Do we need an error condition for CpuIndex being out of range?

Good idea. We can handle this check within ASSERT. Then I will update all 
similar case by adding below comments in API:

"If CpuIndex exceeds the range of all CPUs in the system, then ASSERT()."

For example:
  Performs an atomic operation to check in CPU.

  When SMI happens, all processors including BSP enter to SMM mode by calling 

  If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If CpuIndex exceeds the range of all CPUs in the system, then ASSERT().

  @param[in,out]  Context           Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
  @param[in]      CpuIndex          Check in CPU index.

  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            Check in CPU (CpuIndex) successfully.
  @retval RETURN_ABORTED            Check in CPU failed due to 
SmmCpuSyncLockDoor() has been called by one elected CPU.

SmmCpuSyncCheckInCpu (
  IN     UINTN                 CpuIndex

> (5) Do we have a special CpuIndex value for the BSP?

No, the elected BSP is also the part of CPUs with its own CpuIndex value.

> > +
> > +/**
> > +  Performs an atomic operation to check out CPU.
> > +
> > +  CheckOutCpu() can be called in error handling flow for the CPU who calls
> CheckInCpu() earlier.
> > +
> > +  @param[in,out]  SmmCpuSyncCtx     Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync
> context object.
> > +  @param[in]      CpuIndex          Check out CPU index.
> > +
> > +  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            Check out CPU (CpuIndex) successfully.
> > +  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER  SmmCpuSyncCtx is NULL.
> > +  @retval RETURN_NOT_READY          The CPU is not checked-in.
> > +  @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED        Unsupported operation.
> > +
> > +**/
> > +SmmCpuSyncCheckOutCpu (
> > +  IN     UINTN                 CpuIndex
> > +  );
> > +
> (6) Looks good, my only question is again if we need a status code for
> CpuIndex being out of range.

Yes, agree. The comments from Ray is that we don't need handle the 
RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER, just ASSERT for better performance, we can avoid the 
if check in release version. Just document the assert.

To better define the API behavior, I will remove RETURN_UNSUPPORTED, and 
replaced with RETURN_ABORTED, which can align with the checkin behavior if we 
don't want support the checkout after look door. RETURN_ABORTED clearly 
document the behavior instead of RETURN_UNSUPPORTED.          

So, the API would be as below:
  Performs an atomic operation to check out CPU.

  This function can be called in error handling flow for the CPU who calls 
CheckInCpu() earlier.

  If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If CpuIndex exceeds the range of all CPUs in the system, then ASSERT().

  @param[in,out]  Context           Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
  @param[in]      CpuIndex          Check out CPU index.

  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            Check out CPU (CpuIndex) successfully.
  @retval RETURN_ABORTED            Check out CPU failed due to 
SmmCpuSyncLockDoor() has been called by one elected CPU.

SmmCpuSyncCheckOutCpu (
  IN     UINTN                 CpuIndex

> > +/**
> > +  Performs an atomic operation lock door for CPU checkin or checkout.
> > +
> > +  After this function, CPU can not check in via SmmCpuSyncCheckInCpu().
> > +
> > +  The CPU specified by CpuIndex is elected to lock door.
> > +
> > +  @param[in,out]  SmmCpuSyncCtx     Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync
> context object.
> > +  @param[in]      CpuIndex          Indicate which CPU to lock door.
> > +  @param[in,out]  CpuCount          Number of arrived CPU in SMI after look
> door.
> > +
> > +  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            Lock door for CPU successfully.
> > +  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER  SmmCpuSyncCtx or CpuCount is
> > +
> > +**/
> > +SmmCpuSyncLockDoor (
> > +  IN     UINTN                 CpuIndex,
> > +  IN OUT UINTN                 *CpuCount
> > +  );
> This is where it's getting tricky :)
> (7) error condition for CpuIndex being out of range?

Yes, agree. The same case as above, it will be handled in the ASSERT and 
documented in the comments.

> (8) why is CpuCount IN OUT and not just OUT? (Other than that, I can see
> how outputting CpuCout at once can be useful.)

Well, I agree it should only OUT. 
CpuCout is to tell the number of arrived CPU in SMI after look door. For SMM 
CPU driver, it needs to know the number of arrived CPU in SMI after look door, 
it's for later rendezvous & sync usage. So, it returns the CpuCount.

> (9) do we need error conditions for:
> (9.1) CpuIndex being "wrong" (i.e., not the CPU that's "supposed" to
> lock the door)?
> (9.2) CpuIndex not having checked in already, before trying to lock the
> door?
> Now, I can imagine that problem (9.1) is undetectable, i.e., it causes
> undefined behavior. That's fine, but then we should mention that.

Actually CpuIndex might not be cared by the lib instance. It puts here just for 
the future extension that some lib instance might need to know which CPU lock 
the door. It's the information provided by the API.
I don't add the error check for those because I don't want focus the 
implementation to do this check.

 But I agree, we can document this undefined behavior. How about like below:
  "The CPU specified by CpuIndex is elected to lock door. The caller shall make 
sure the CpuIndex is the actual CPU calling this function to avoid the 
undefined behavior."

 With above, I will update the API like below:

  Performs an atomic operation lock door for CPU checkin and checkout. After 
this function:
  CPU can not check in via SmmCpuSyncCheckInCpu().
  CPU can not check out via SmmCpuSyncCheckOutCpu().

  The CPU specified by CpuIndex is elected to lock door. The caller shall make 
sure the CpuIndex
  is the actual CPU calling this function to avoid the undefined behavior.

  If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If CpuCount is NULL, then ASSERT().

  @param[in,out]  Context           Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
  @param[in]      CpuIndex          Indicate which CPU to lock door.
  @param[in,out]  CpuCount          Number of arrived CPU in SMI after look 

SmmCpuSyncLockDoor (
  IN          UINTN                 CpuIndex,
       OUT UINTN                 *CpuCount

> > +
> > +/**
> > +  Used by the BSP to wait for APs.
> > +
> > +  The number of APs need to be waited is specified by NumberOfAPs. The
> BSP is specified by BspIndex.
> > +
> > +  Note: This function is blocking mode, and it will return only after the
> number of APs released by
> > +  calling SmmCpuSyncReleaseBsp():
> > +  BSP: WaitForAPs    <--  AP: ReleaseBsp
> > +
> > +  @param[in,out]  SmmCpuSyncCtx     Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync
> context object.
> > +  @param[in]      NumberOfAPs       Number of APs need to be waited by
> BSP.
> > +  @param[in]      BspIndex          The BSP Index to wait for APs.
> > +
> > +  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            BSP to wait for APs successfully.
> > +  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER  SmmCpuSyncCtx is NULL or
> NumberOfAPs > total number of processors in system.
> > +
> > +**/
> > +SmmCpuSyncWaitForAPs (
> > +  IN     UINTN                 NumberOfAPs,
> > +  IN     UINTN                 BspIndex
> > +  );
> The "NumberOfAPs > total number of processors in system" check is nice!
> (10) Again, do we need a similar error condition for BspIndex being out
> of range?

Agree, I will handle the case in the same way as above in the ASSERT. If so, no 
need return the status.

> (11) Do we need to document / enforce explicitly (status code) that the
> BSP and the APs must have checked in, and/or the door must have been
> locked? Again -- if we can't detect / enforce these conditions, that's
> fine, but then we should mention the expected call environment. The
> file-top description does not seem very explicit about it.

Agree, if BspIndex is the actual CPU calling this function, it must be checkin 
before. So, how about adding the comments as below:
  " The caller shall make sure the BspIndex is the actual CPU calling this 
function to avoid the undefined behavior."

Based on above, I propose the API to be:

  Used by the BSP to wait for APs.

  The number of APs need to be waited is specified by NumberOfAPs. The BSP is 
specified by BspIndex.
  The caller shall make sure the BspIndex is the actual CPU calling this 
function to avoid the undefined behavior.
  The caller shall make sure the NumberOfAPs have checked-in to avoid the 
undefined behavior.

  If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If NumberOfAPs > All CPUs in system, then ASSERT().
  If BspIndex exceeds the range of all CPUs in the system, then ASSERT().

  This function is blocking mode, and it will return only after the number of 
APs released by
  calling SmmCpuSyncReleaseBsp():
  BSP: WaitForAPs    <--  AP: ReleaseBsp

  @param[in,out]  Context           Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
  @param[in]      NumberOfAPs       Number of APs need to be waited by BSP.
  @param[in]      BspIndex          The BSP Index to wait for APs.

SmmCpuSyncWaitForAPs (
  IN     UINTN                 NumberOfAPs,
  IN     UINTN                 BspIndex

> > +
> > +/**
> > +  Used by the BSP to release one AP.
> > +
> > +  The AP is specified by CpuIndex. The BSP is specified by BspIndex.
> > +
> > +  @param[in,out]  SmmCpuSyncCtx     Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync
> context object.
> > +  @param[in]      CpuIndex          Indicate which AP need to be released.
> > +  @param[in]      BspIndex          The BSP Index to release AP.
> > +
> > +  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            BSP to release one AP successfully.
> > +  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER  SmmCpuSyncCtx is NULL or
> CpuIndex is same as BspIndex.
> > +
> > +**/
> > +SmmCpuSyncReleaseOneAp   (
> > +  IN     UINTN                 CpuIndex,
> > +  IN     UINTN                 BspIndex
> > +  );
> (12) Same comments as elsewhere:
> - it's good that we check CpuIndex versus BspIndex, but do we also need
> to range-check each?


> - document that both affected CPUs need to have checked in, with the
> door potentially locked?

Yes, for SMM CPU driver, it shall be called after look door. For API itself, 
it's better not restrict it. the only requirement I can see is need CpuIndex 
must be checkin. So, I will refine it as below:
  Used by the BSP to release one AP.

  The AP is specified by CpuIndex. The BSP is specified by BspIndex.
  The caller shall make sure the BspIndex is the actual CPU calling this 
function to avoid the undefined behavior.
  The caller shall make sure the CpuIndex has checked-in to avoid the undefined 

  If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If CpuIndex == BspIndex, then ASSERT().
  If BspIndex and CpuIndex exceed the range of all CPUs in the system, then 

  @param[in,out]  Context           Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
  @param[in]      CpuIndex          Indicate which AP need to be released.
  @param[in]      BspIndex          The BSP Index to release AP.

SmmCpuSyncReleaseOneAp   (
  IN     UINTN                 CpuIndex,
  IN     UINTN                 BspIndex

> > +
> > +/**
> > +  Used by the AP to wait BSP.
> > +
> > +  The AP is specified by CpuIndex. The BSP is specified by BspIndex.
> > +
> > +  Note: This function is blocking mode, and it will return only after the 
> > AP
> released by
> > +  calling SmmCpuSyncReleaseOneAp():
> > +  BSP: ReleaseOneAp  -->  AP: WaitForBsp
> > +
> > +  @param[in,out]  SmmCpuSyncCtx    Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context
> object.
> > +  @param[in]      CpuIndex         Indicate which AP wait BSP.
> > +  @param[in]      BspIndex         The BSP Index to be waited.
> > +
> > +  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            AP to wait BSP successfully.
> > +  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER  SmmCpuSyncCtx is NULL or
> CpuIndex is same as BspIndex.
> > +
> > +**/
> > +SmmCpuSyncWaitForBsp (
> > +  IN     UINTN                 CpuIndex,
> > +  IN     UINTN                 BspIndex
> > +  );
> > +
> (13) Same questions as under (12).

See below proposed API:

  Used by the AP to wait BSP.

  The AP is specified by CpuIndex.
  The caller shall make sure the CpuIndex is the actual CPU calling this 
function to avoid the undefined behavior.
  The BSP is specified by BspIndex.

  If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If CpuIndex == BspIndex, then ASSERT().
  If BspIndex and CpuIndex exceed the range of all CPUs in the system, then 

  This function is blocking mode, and it will return only after the AP released 
  calling SmmCpuSyncReleaseOneAp():
  BSP: ReleaseOneAp  -->  AP: WaitForBsp

  @param[in,out]  Context          Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
  @param[in]      CpuIndex         Indicate which AP wait BSP.
  @param[in]      BspIndex         The BSP Index to be waited.

SmmCpuSyncWaitForBsp (
  IN     UINTN                 CpuIndex,
  IN     UINTN                 BspIndex

> > +/**
> > +  Used by the AP to release BSP.
> > +
> > +  The AP is specified by CpuIndex. The BSP is specified by BspIndex.
> > +
> > +  @param[in,out]  SmmCpuSyncCtx     Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync
> context object.
> > +  @param[in]      CpuIndex          Indicate which AP release BSP.
> > +  @param[in]      BspIndex          The BSP Index to be released.
> > +
> > +  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            AP to release BSP successfully.
> > +  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER  SmmCpuSyncCtx is NULL or
> CpuIndex is same as BspIndex.
> > +
> > +**/
> > +SmmCpuSyncReleaseBsp (
> > +  IN     UINTN                 CpuIndex,
> > +  IN     UINTN                 BspIndex
> > +  );
> (14) Same questions as under (12).

See below proposed API:

  Used by the AP to release BSP.

  The AP is specified by CpuIndex.
  The caller shall make sure the CpuIndex is the actual CPU calling this 
function to avoid the undefined behavior.
  The BSP is specified by BspIndex.

  If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If CpuIndex == BspIndex, then ASSERT().
  If BspIndex and CpuIndex exceed the range of all CPUs in the system, then 

  @param[in,out]  Context           Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
  @param[in]      CpuIndex          Indicate which AP release BSP.
  @param[in]      BspIndex          The BSP Index to be released.

SmmCpuSyncReleaseBsp (
  IN     UINTN                 CpuIndex,
  IN     UINTN                 BspIndex


> > +
> > +#endif
> > diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec b/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec
> > index 0b5431dbf7..20ab079219 100644
> > --- a/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec
> > +++ b/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec
> > @@ -62,10 +62,13 @@
> >    CpuPageTableLib|Include/Library/CpuPageTableLib.h
> >
> >    ## @libraryclass   Provides functions for manipulating smram savestate
> registers.
> >    MmSaveStateLib|Include/Library/MmSaveStateLib.h
> >
> > +  ## @libraryclass   Provides functions for SMM CPU Sync Operation.
> > +  SmmCpuSyncLib|Include/Library/SmmCpuSyncLib.h
> > +
> >  [LibraryClasses.RISCV64]
> >    ##  @libraryclass  Provides functions to manage MMU features on RISCV64
> CPUs.
> >    ##
> >    RiscVMmuLib|Include/Library/BaseRiscVMmuLib.h
> >
> These interfaces look real nice, my comments/questions are all docs-related.
> Thanks!
> Laszlo

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