Hello Sahil,

On 4/23/24 07:56, Sahil Kaushal via groups.io wrote:
From: sahil <sa...@arm.com>

In N1Sdp platform, the SoC is connected to IOFPGA which has a
Cadence Quad SPI (QSPI) controller. This QSPI controller manages
the flash chip device via QSPI bus.

This patch adds CadenceQspiNorFlashDeviceLib which is used to
manage and access the above configuration.

Signed-off-by: sahil <sa...@arm.com>
 |   32 +
   |   44 +
   | 1011 ++++++++++++++++++++
  3 files changed, 1087 insertions(+)


+  Converts milliseconds into number of ticks of the performance counter.
+  @param[in] Milliseconds  Milliseconds to convert into ticks.
+  @retval Milliseconds expressed as number of ticks.
+MilliSecondsToTicks (
+  IN UINTN  Milliseconds
+  )
+  CONST UINT64  NanoSecondsPerTick = GetTimeInNanoSecond (1);
+  return (Milliseconds * 1000000) / NanoSecondsPerTick;

Should use DivU64x64Remainder() here:
  UINT64  NanoSecondsPerTick;
  UINT64  NanoSeconds;

  NanoSecondsPerTick = GetTimeInNanoSecond (1);
  NanoSeconds = MultU64x32 (Milliseconds, 1000000);

  return DivU64x64Remainder (NanoSeconds, NanoSecondsPerTick, NULL);

+  Poll Status register for NOR flash erase/write completion.
+  @param[in]      Instance           NOR flash Instance.
+  @retval         EFI_SUCCESS        Request is executed successfully.
+  @retval         EFI_TIMEOUT        Operation timed out.
+  @retval         EFI_DEVICE_ERROR   Controller operartion failed.

operartion -> typo
(same at another place I think)


+  Read from nor flash.
+  @param[in]     Instance               NOR flash Instance of variable store 
+  @param[in]     Lba                    The starting logical block index to 
read from.
+  @param[in]     Offset                 Offset into the block at which to 
begin reading.
+  @param[in]     BufferSizeInBytes      The number of bytes to read.
+  @param[out]    Buffer                 The pointer to a caller-allocated 
buffer that
+                                        should copied with read data.
+  @retval        EFI_SUCCESS            The read is completed.
+  @retval        EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Invalid parameters passed.
+NorFlashRead (
+  IN EFI_LBA             Lba,
+  IN UINTN               Offset,
+  IN UINTN               BufferSizeInBytes,
+  OUT VOID               *Buffer
+  )
+  UINTN  StartAddress;
+  // The buffer must be valid
+  if (Buffer == NULL) {
+  }
+  // Return if we do not have any byte to read
+  if (BufferSizeInBytes == 0) {
+    return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  if (((Lba * Instance->Media.BlockSize) + Offset + BufferSizeInBytes) >
+      Instance->Size)
+  {
+    DEBUG ((
+      "NorFlashRead: ERROR - Read will exceed device size.\n"
+      ));
+  }
+  // Get the address to start reading from
+  StartAddress = GET_NOR_BLOCK_ADDRESS (
+                   Instance->RegionBaseAddress,
+                   Lba,
+                   Instance->Media.BlockSize
+                   );
+  // Readout the data
+  CopyMem (Buffer, (UINTN *)(StartAddress + Offset), BufferSizeInBytes);

The original code at:

implements and uses AlignedCopyMem()/NorFlashWriteBuffer() which seems
to be more efficient.
Just to be sure I understand correctly, is the maximal read/write size
of 4 bytes ? Meaning that these functions are not needed ?


NorFlashWriteBuffer() is not implemented here IIUC won't be implemtned as not
needed. Maybe in an additional patch, the function could be removed from the
library interface at:
and made static in:

+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Write a full or portion of a block.
+  @param[in]       Instance              NOR flash Instance of variable store 
+  @param[in]       Lba                   The starting logical block index to 
write to.
+  @param[in]       Offset                Offset into the block at which to 
begin writing.
+  @param[in, out]  NumBytes              The total size of the buffer.
+  @param[in]       Buffer                The pointer to a caller-allocated 
buffer that
+                                         contains the source for the write.
+  @retval          EFI_SUCCESS           The write is completed.
+  @retval          EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Invalid Buffer passed.
+  @retval          EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE   Buffer size not enough.
+  @retval          EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The device reported an error.
+NorFlashWriteSingleBlock (
+  IN        NOR_FLASH_INSTANCE  *Instance,
+  IN        EFI_LBA             Lba,
+  IN        UINTN               Offset,
+  IN OUT    UINTN               *NumBytes,
+  IN        UINT8               *Buffer
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS  Status;
+  UINT32      Tmp;
+  UINT32      TmpBuf;
+  UINT32      WordToWrite;
+  UINT32      Mask;
+  BOOLEAN     DoErase;
+  UINTN       BytesToWrite;
+  UINTN       CurOffset;
+  UINTN       WordAddr;
+  UINTN       BlockSize;
+  UINTN       BlockAddress;
+  UINTN       PrevBlockAddress;
+  if (Buffer == NULL) {
+    DEBUG ((
+      "NorFlashWriteSingleBlock: ERROR - Buffer is invalid\n"
+      ));


+  }
+  PrevBlockAddress = 0;
+  DEBUG ((
+    "NorFlashWriteSingleBlock(Parameters: Lba=%ld, Offset=0x%x, "
+    "*NumBytes=0x%x, Buffer @ 0x%08x)\n",
+    Lba,
+    Offset,
+    *NumBytes,
+    Buffer
+    ));
+  // Localise the block size to avoid de-referencing pointers all the time

Localise -> Locate

+  BlockSize = Instance->Media.BlockSize;


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