I have some more question related to the connection between bearerbox and SMSC, the questions are :
(i) At what port bearer box listen to the request from SMSC, and how SMSC knows about that port ?
(ii) In smskannel.conf file
group = smsc
smsc = smpp
host =
port = 600
receive-port = 700
system-id = "STT"
smsc-password = foo
system-type = "VMA"
address-range = ""
we have two different port, onw is  port and the other is receive port. Are they belong to the SMSC (machine on which SMSC running)?
If yes then why two different port to connect to the SMSC.I have also seen the code : 
file smsc_smpp.c in which we are using two different call to connect to the SMSC :
/* Open the transmitter connection */
 smsc->fd_t = tcpip_connect_to_server(smsc->hostname, smsc->port);
 if(smsc->fd_t == -1) goto error;
 smsc->smpp_t_state = SMPP_STATE_CONNECTED;
 /* Open the receiver connection */
 smsc->fd_r = tcpip_connect_to_server(smsc->hostname, smsc->receive_port);
 if(smsc->fd_r == -1) goto error;
 smsc->smpp_r_state = SMPP_STATE_CONNECTED;
I didn't understand why do we need two different call to connect to the SMSC.
please reply at your earliest.
Ravishankar Tiwari
Opsol Integrators Inc
(408) 364 9915 ext-87
(408) 364 9916

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