>It's my understaning that kannel uses latin-1 character set, shouldn't @ be
>replaced with 0x40, as 0x00 relates to ^@ symbol?
>-----Original Message-----
>Hi and thanx for your answer!
>I used Logica's 2700 SMSC with SMPP v3.4 (kannel only supports v3.3, so I
>used 3.3). I also looked at the packages sent out (with tcpdump) and noticed
>that @ was converted to 0x00. So, can it really be SMSC bug or does it just
>need different encoding?

In latin-1 @ is 0x40 but in GSM default character set it is 0x00. 
Kannel converts between iso-latin-1 and GSM default character set 
before sending it to the SMSC. Check your documentation on what the 
SMSC would expect.

by the way, Kannel very well supports SMPP v3.4 and v3.3.


Andreas Fink

Tel: +41-61-6932730 Fax: +41-61-6932729  Mobile: +41-79-2457333
Address: A. Fink, Schwarzwaldallee 16, 4058 Basel, Switzerland
E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Homepage: http://www.finkconsulting.com
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