>  > The things you are using are thread safe, so they lock their
>>  inner state against concurrent access. You might want to add
>>  a wrapper around mutex_unlock in the following way:
>>  #define mutex_unlock(mtx)
>>  mutex_unlock_inline(mtx,__FILE__,__LINE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
>>  static inline mutex_unlock_inline(Mutex mtx, const char *file, int line,
>>  const char *func) {
>>    debug("mutex", 0, "mutex_unlock called from %s: %d in function %s", file,
>>  line, func);
>>    mutex_unlock_real(mtx);
>>  }
>I get the same error:
>>  2001-12-13 15:13:38 [16] PANIC: mutex_unlock: Mutex failure!
>>  2001-12-13 15:13:38 [16] PANIC: System error 22: Invalid argument
>for smsbox running a Siemens M20. Any ideas?

As far as I can see, I'm only getting this error under high stress load...
Havnt found out yet when it happens (though to test...)


Andreas Fink

Tel: +41-61-6932730 Fax: +41-61-6932729  Mobile: +41-79-2457333
Address: A. Fink, Schwarzwaldallee 16, 4058 Basel, Switzerland
E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Homepage: http://www.finkconsulting.com
Something urgent? Try http://www.smsrelay.com/  Nickname afink

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