Title: I hope someone can explain my problem.


I am new to the Kannel software and have a problem that someone on the list may be able to help me with. I have installed the Cygwin Port for the Windows platforms running it on a windows 2000 professional machine. Everything is working OK, except for one thing receiving.

For SMSC I am currently using a NOKIA 7190(SMSC) which is the North American model for the  NOKIA 7110 in Europe.
I can send an SMS message from a web page using the  http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms command and the message is received on the phone number that we specified. But when we send a message from a phone to our NOKIA 7190(SMSC), we receive it on the phone, but we do not receive it in Kannel. Here is were my lack of knowledge comes in, can some explain if there is any other configuration that is require or how do I go about to receive and send.

I can see from the smsbox log, that there seems to be some type of event taking place when the NOKIA 7190(SMSC) receives a messages. I get an error messages in the log which reads

Error : Error reading from fd 19
Error: System error 104: Connection reset by peer
Error: Error reading from fd 19:
Error: System error 104: Connection reset by per
Debug: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area 0x10029240
Debug: HTTP: Destroyiing HTTPClient for ''.
I do not really know what that means, I hope some one can explain.


Torbjorn Zetterlund
VP, Mobile Commerce
CertaPay Inc.
[t] 416-777-5081 - Direct
[f] 416-360-7121

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