> group = sms-service
> keyword = pay
> file =
> "C:/phpdev/www/mobile/samp1.php?sec_para=%s&thr_para=%s&phone=%p"
> am I missing something!

yes you are missing that the file directive is used to output the
content of a static file. 

I guess you want to do some PHP magic and get that output to the phone
via SMS?! You'll have to use a HTTP server in that case and address it
acordingly with a URL, i.e.

url = "http://yourmachine/sample.php?.......";

> Second question for me to learn more about OTA, SMS and about
> downloading ring tones, graphics elements to a phone, what
> documentation or sites should I use to get a full understanding.

Please review the mailing list archives, there have been a lot of
contribution to that issues.


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