Hi list.

I encountered a memory leak in Kannel, while using the at2 module. under
some conditions it doesn't even last the night, and when I come back in
the morning I find this message at the end of the log:

2002-01-22 03:58:00 [8] PANIC: Too many concurrent allocations.

I think I traced it down to at2_wait_modem_command which uses two
Octstrs named line and line2 to read data from the modem, and under some
conditions (namly - a command timeout) will fail to deallocate the
memory allocated for those strings (the 'slow' malloc type came in handy
- I give praise to whoever had the forsight to write it :-).

The fix is trivial.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise Inc.

> Real men don't need howtos.
Real Programmers read the binary and patch it (using cat) to support
whatever command they feel like using
        -- more 'real men' comments on IGLU

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