> >What simulator do you use ?
> Siemens S45

isn't this a real phone?!

> >How old is your Kannel version ?
> System CYGWIN_NT-4.0, release 1.1.8(0.34/3/2), version 2001-01-31 10:08,
> machine i686.

this is your OS, not Kannel's version or cvs checkout date. -- BTW, I
would suggest to upgrade to at leasr Cygwin 1.3.6-6 which includes
funtionable pthreads so you can compile latest Kannel's cvs tree on
your own.

> >What are these conversion methods ?
> My conversion method grabs the clients GET-request, checks if the client is
> able to display the requested file and if not it replaces it with a file
> format it IS able to display (i.e. request for jpg, response is wbmp).

does your HTTP server (apache or whatever) honour the right MIME type
for .wbmp, which is usually in mime.types for Apache. It has to be 

*dig, dig, dig*

image/vnd.wap.wbmp for the .wbmp suffix.


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