Hello Stipe,

Tuesday, January 29, 2002, 11:54:54 PM, you wrote:

ST> Oleg Taranov wrote:
>>     Why do you need to use 9202?

ST> keep in mind that some devices are only capable of connectionless
ST> mode, so even for WTLS then. I don't know which ones, but I guess
ST> there may be some. At least followin the specs what Charles tries
ST> *should* be possible and reasonable.

    ok. I guess it's necessary to check for identity of the protocols.

>>     there is error in mk_cert.c so certificates are non-workable.
>>     there are memory leaks in kwtls that inherited from 3ui code.
>>     has it sense to fix it in this contribution?

ST> yes, why not. At least if the fix is not to big.
    in mk_cert.c - 1 byte

    I've started to fix memory leaks but stopped after announce
    from 3glab about finalisation a built-in wtls. The work is not so hard
    but very boring...   I saw wtls has been asked not so frequently.
ST> I think as far as we don't have working WTLS stuff inside Kannel
ST> itself, users may rely on kwtls in combination.

ST> But this should be considered as temporary kludge. I would like to
ST> enforce further development on getting Kannel's own WTLS stack
ST> implemented and working.

    What is state of built-in wtls implementation?

Best regards,
 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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