I am asking myself if 8 bits messages are not the problem... When I try to execute the AT command for Wap push, it even blocks the mobile for a few time !

Is it possible to have a 7 bits version of the AT command ?

PS: for alcatel mobiles, two AT commands are wrong
- AT+CNMI=1,3,0,0 (1,2,0,0 does not work)
- for AT+CMGS, the PDU must begin with extra 00

Aarno Syvänen wrote:
Hi Olivier,

Olivier Durécu wrote:

I am testing Kannel wap push capabilities with Alcatel mobile phones but
not successfully. I use AT2 as SMSC. The execution of the AT command
seems OK...
But no push comes on the target phone... Could someone give me a
complete AT+CMGS command, that has already worked on another phone (to
realize a push) so that I check what is the wrong (the AT command,
Alcatel Mobile, ...).

Does the phone understand a 8-bit SMS message containing a tokenised
SI document (cvs userguide contains a working example)?


Olivier Durecu
Alcatel Research & Innovation
Project "Next Generation Radio Solution"

Office B1-132 / Phone +33 (0)1 69 63 16 61

Route de Nozay
F-91460 Marcoussis

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