It depends on your port configuration - non-root processes cannot open
ports under 1024. we have been running Kannel as a single user
successfuly on a number of linux machines.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise Inc.

The widest thing in the universe is not space, it is the potential
capacity of the human heart.
        -- A. W. Tozer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Miroslav Vrankic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 2:25 PM
> Subject: I don't want to run bearerbox as root
> We are using Kannel 0.10.3.
> For security reasons we are trying to run all kannel boxes as 
> nobody (or any
> non root, for example "kannel").
> There is no problem with sms and wap boxes. They are runnning as  user
> "kannel".
> When we tried to run bearerbox as user "kannel" other boxes could not
> connect to it.
> The "connection refused 111" error is obtained.
> Of course, we have started bearerbox before other boxes.
> You can see the used startup script at the and of the message.
> Thanks!
> Miroslav
> #! /bin/sh
> # kannel        Startup script for the Kannel WAP and SMS Gateway
> #
> #               Written by Andres Seco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> using
> #               the skeleton provided by Miquel van Smoorenburg and
> #               Ian Murdock in Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (slink)
> #               modified with paragraphs from diald startup script
> #               in Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (potato)
> #               Modified from init script from alamin-server.
> #
> # Version:      @(#)kannel  1.0  19-Aug-2001  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> #
> PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
> RUNBOX=/usr/local/bin/run_kannel_box-0.10.3
> DAEMONA=/usr/local/bin/bearerbox-0.10.3
> DAEMONB=/usr/local/bin/wapbox-0.10.3
> DAEMONC=/usr/local/bin/smsbox-0.10.3
> NAMEA=bearerbox
> NAMEB=wapbox
> NAMEC=smsbox
> PIDA=kannel/bearerbox
> PIDB=kannel/wapbox
> PIDC=kannel/smsbox
> DESC="Kannel WAP and SMS Gateway"
> CONF=/usr/local/bin/m20.conf
> USER=kannel
> test -f $DAEMONA || exit 0
> test -f $DAEMONB || exit 0
> test -f $DAEMONC || exit 0
> test -f $CONF || exit 0
> set -e
> case "$1" in
>   start)
>         echo -n "Starting $DESC:"
>         start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
>             --pidfile /var/run/$ \
>             --exec $RUNBOX \
>             -- \
>             --pidfile /var/run/$ \
>             $DAEMONA $CONF
>         echo -n " $NAMEA"
>         sleep 10
>         start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
>             --chuid $USER \
>             --pidfile /var/run/$ \
>             --exec $RUNBOX \
>             -- \
>             --pidfile /var/run/$ \
>             $DAEMONB $CONF
>         echo -n " $NAMEB"
>         sleep 5
>         start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
>             --chuid $USER \
>             --pidfile /var/run/$ \
>             --exec $RUNBOX \
>             -- \
>             --pidfile /var/run/$ \
>             $DAEMONC $CONF
>         echo -n " $NAMEC"
>         echo "."
>         ;;
>   stop)
>         echo -n "Stopping $DESC:"
>         start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo \
>                 --pidfile /var/run/$ \
>                 --exec $RUNBOX
>         echo -n " $NAMEC"
>         start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo \
>                 --pidfile /var/run/$ \
>                 --exec $RUNBOX
>         echo -n " $NAMEB"
>         start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo \
>                 --pidfile /var/run/$ \
>                 --exec $RUNBOX
>         echo -n " $NAMEA"
>         echo "."
>         ;;
>   reload|force-reload|restart)
>         $0 stop
>         sleep 2
>         $0 start
>         ;;
>   *)
>         N=/etc/init.d/$NAME
>         echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
>         exit 1
>         ;;
> esac
> exit 0

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