according to sema spec's , it only supports Sema2000 protocol, which is
implemented in OIS module, and you use SMPP.
Afaik, your operator has written some propriatory translator for SMPP
protocol, or has made changes to the original smsc.
Kannel SMPP module supports only the standard SMPP functionality, thus if
you need anything beyond, you will have to make it yourself.
Should not be too much difficult if you know the exact structure of packets
you get and have them documented.
I suggest you adding the new packets support and probably new functions for
treating those packets in a new kannel module, call it
smpp-[your-operator-name] and try adjusting.
If there will be more than one user for this module, it might be included in
Kannel mainstream.
Those are my 2 cents ..

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wartan Hachaturow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: Optional parameters in smpp pdu's?

> On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 10:33:33AM -0000, Ronan Derby wrote:
> > Are you connecting to a SEMA  SMSC?
> Hmm. No idea, to be honest :) I've been just said it supports
> SMPP v3.4. But I'll ask.
> > If so, I would suggest trying to set the SMPP version to 0x33
> > (SMPP v3.3) in smsc_smpp.c and rebuilding Kannel.
> That didn't helped, unfortunately :(
> > The SMPP spec is a little vague about the use
> > of the message payload functionality, it says to use it for messages
> > over a certain length, but it doesn't say that it can't be used
> > for smaller messages. The SEMA SMSC uses it for all messages (I think).
> Yeah, my smsc also use it for all messages (even those that are <160
> octets).
> So the problem is still in question: are there any patches for optional
> smpp parameters support (e.g., message payloading, for example)?
> If not, will you be interested in adding such a support, and, maybe,
> give me some recommendations? (I have to write the patch this weekend,
> so it should be out shortly :).
> --
> Regards, Wartan.
> echo "Your stdio isn't very std."
> -- Larry Wall in Configure from the perl distribution

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