At 11:49 AM 4/26/02 +0200, Andrea Viscovich wrote:
As someone pointed out sometime ago,
if you have multiple smsc, the parameter smsc in sendsms url does not work.
I know the routing  can be done by properly write the kannel conf file,
but I would like to choose it from a web page time by time, so the only thing is
to have the parameter working.

this does work.. I use it all the time..

As in the conf file the name is smsc-id not smsc, I hope the doc tell the truth saying
the parameter name in sendsms is smsc.
It's difficult to solve it?

when you call smsbox use.. http://...../sendsms?.........&smsc=
In your Kannel config, you must allocate smsc-ids to each SMSC. These dont have to be unique; this is usefull to group SMSCs.
Then in the Kannel config you either use: denied-smsc-id OR allowed-smsc-id. If using denied-smsc-id no messages with those smsc-ids set in sendsms will be routed to that SMSC. Alternatively if you use allowed-smsc-id in the kannel conf then only messages with that particular smsc_id will be sent through this SMSC.



will allow any message with smsc-id other than X,Y,Z to be sent through SMSC A
will only allow messages with smsc-id set to X be sent through SMSC X


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