Jari Juslin wrote:

> Jari Juslin wrote:
>> Further question: In general situation, does this really correct 
>> problems or just hide them?
> Ok, I was a bit hasty once again. By reading the mailing list archive 
> and code I came to this asumption: if I want to run Kannel under heavy 
> load, I need to increase MAX_TAB_SIZE in gwlib/gwmem-check.c 
> significantly. If I still run to these panics, there is propably some 
> bad memory leak that should be hunted down.
> So, panic to "Too many concurrent allocations" can happen if a) Kannel 
> just has so high load, that is needs huge amounts of memory or b) if 
> Kannel leaks too much memory. Am I right?
> The last version of Kannel I have run without it reportin non-freed 
> areas on exit was 1.1.5.. I think I should do some memory leak 
> investigation and get back to you, if I fail to repair them myself.
I think you are correct in all assumptions. I increased the table size 
to 20 MB for our production systems (yes - we are running checking 
malloc in production), and we don't have any memory allocation panics. 
we do have memry leaks in some modules, but not serious enough to 
warrant a high ranking in the todo list.


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