What happened to this code from 1.0.3 in 1.1.6

smsc_smpp.c:    /* Push a UNBIND PDU on the [smsc->fifo_r_out] stack. */
smsc_smpp.c:    pdu->id = SMPP_UNBIND;
smsc_smpp.c:    /* Push a UNBIND PDU on the [smsc->fifo_t_out] stack. */
smsc_smpp.c:    pdu->id = SMPP_UNBIND;
smsc_smpp.c:    /* Write out the UNBIND PDUs. */
smsc_smpp.c:    /* If states are BOUND then push UNBIND messages to
smsc_smpp.c:    case SMPP_UNBIND_RESP:
smsc_smpp.c:    case SMPP_UNBIND_RESP:
smsc_smpp.c:    case SMPP_UNBIND_RESP:
smsc_smpp.c:    case SMPP_UNBIND:
smsc_smpp.c:    case SMPP_UNBIND_RESP:
smsc_smpp.c:*  UNBIND, UNBIND_RESP
smsc_smpp.h:#define SMPP_UNBIND                   0x00000006
smsc_smpp.h:#define SMPP_UNBIND_RESP              0x80000006

Was this replaced with something else ?

I need to send an unbind notification to a SMSC which was done by default in
1.0.3 when certain signals were received by the bearerbox process.
In the dev version 1.1.5 & 1.1.6 the connection is just terminated, no
unbind is sent.


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