I've just commited the following to CVS: 2002-07-09 Andreas Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * changed dlr.c and STATUS to not contain any ^M at end of line Makefile.in and configure to properly deal with MacOS X (darvin) panic replaced with gw_panic, done as a #define now (MacOS X has panic already defined) gwlib/gwthread-pthread.c: added empty pthread_sigmask() if its MacOS X. added file README.MACOSX
As this changes configure, I would like to see it still working on other platforms (it really should but I cant test it on all of them). If anyone faces unexpected problems doing "./configure", let me know. -- Andreas Fink Fink-Consulting ------------------------------------------------------------------ Tel: +41-61-6932730 Fax: +41-61-6932729 Mobile: +41-79-2457333 Address: A. Fink, Schwarzwaldallee 16, 4058 Basel, Switzerland E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: http://www.finkconsulting.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ Something urgent? Try http://www.smsrelay.com/ Nickname afink