Hi all,

I was doing PPG testing as explained in userguide. I'm using kannel1.2.0 RH
6.2. The kannel.conf shown below

group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
wapbox-port = 13002
admin-password = vqindia
wdp-interface-name = "*"
log-file = "/home/shridhar/kannel.log"
log-level = 0
box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
box-allow-ip = ""
unified-prefix = "+91"

group = ppg
ppg-url = /wappush
ppg-port = 8080
concurrent-pushes = 100
users = 1024
ppg-allow-ip = ""
ppg-deny-ip = "192.168.1.*"
trusted-pi = false

group = wapbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
log-file = "/home/shridhar/wapbox.log"
log-level = 0
syslog-level = none

group = smsc
smsc = http
smsc-id = HTTP
port = 13003
system-type = kannel
smsc-username = foo
smsc-password = bar
no-sender = true
no-coding = true
send-url = http://localhost:12000/cgi-bin/sendsms

group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = localhost

group = wap-push-user
wap-push-user = foo
ppg-username = foo
ppg-password = bar
allow-ip =


#./test_ppg -q http://localhost:8080/wappush iptestppg.txt sl.txt

2002-08-02 12:17:43 [3] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [3] ERROR: connect failed
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [3] ERROR: System error 111: Connection refused
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [3] ERROR: error connecting to server `localhost' at
port `8080'
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Opening NEW connection to
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [3] ERROR: Couldn't send request to
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [1] ERROR: push failed, no reason found
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [1] INFO: TEST_PPG: In thread 1 0 succeeded, 1 failed
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (test/test_ppg.c:push_thread)
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [0] INFO: TEST_PPG: 1 requests in 0.000000 seconds, inf
requests per second
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [0] DEBUG: Waiting for 3
(gwlib/http.c:write_request_thread) to terminate
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [3] DEBUG: Thread 3 (gwlib/http.c:write_request_thread)
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [2] DEBUG: Thread 2 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller) terminates.
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [0] DEBUG: Immutable octet strings: 8.

I'm running test_hhtp_server, which does not show any activity in whole

#./test_http_server -l /home/shridhar/http.log -p 12000

The bearerbox log

2002-08-02 12:01:09 [0] INFO: MAIN: Start-up done, entering mainloop
2002-08-02 12:01:09 [7] DEBUG: sms_router: list_len = 0
2002-08-02 12:01:14 [13] DEBUG: Started thread 15 (gw/bb_boxc.c:function)
2002-08-02 12:17:39 [17] INFO: Client connected from <>
2002-08-02 12:17:39 [17] DEBUG: setting up systems for new wapbox
2002-08-02 12:17:39 [17] DEBUG: Started thread 18 (gw/bb_boxc.c:boxc_sender)
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [17] INFO: Connection closed by the box <>
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [18] DEBUG: Thread 18 (gw/bb_boxc.c:boxc_sender)
2002-08-02 12:17:43 [17] DEBUG: Thread 17 (gw/bb_boxc.c:function)

The wapbox log

2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] INFO: Kannel wapbox version 1.2.0 starting up.
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2 (wap/wsp_unit.c:main_thread)
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4 (wap/timers.c:watch_timers)
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5 (wap/wtp_init.c:main_thread)
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6 (wap/wtp_resp.c:main_thread)
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 7 (gw/wap-appl.c:main_thread)
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 8
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 9
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Opening server at port 8080.
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 10 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 11
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 12
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 13
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 14
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] INFO: Connected to bearerbox at localhost port
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 15
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] INFO: Connected to bearerbox at localhost port
2002-08-02 12:22:06 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 15
2002-08-02 12:22:42 [11] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
`'.Segmentation fault

and wapbox stops after this. I don't know where I'm going wrong in this
whole process. Can some body guide me or send their conf file for reference.

If I user ppg username & password

#./test_ppg -q http://localhost:8080/wappush?username=vqi&password=vqindia
iptestppg.txt sl.txt
[1] 1015
2002-08-02 12:26:24 [0] INFO: a configuration file input assumed
2002-08-02 12:26:24 [0] ERROR: fopen failed: couldn't open
2002-08-02 12:26:24 [0] ERROR: System error 2: No such file or directory
2002-08-02 12:26:24 [0] PANIC: Failed to load main configuration file
`http://localhost:8080/wappush?username=vqi'. Aborting!
bash: iptestppg.txt: command not found
[1]+  Exit 1                  ./test_ppg -q

I'm using test/iptestppg.txt and test/sl.txt file for this test.

Thanks in advance

Shridhar Raju

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