> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harrie Hazewinkel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hi Oded,
> Good catch.
> Forgive if I sound stupid, but regarding the length of an address.
> If it is really bigger then 20 can one just discard the part of the
> address that is longer??

I don't know - I don't think that there are addresses longer then 20 chars, and if 
there are - these can not be used with SMPP which only supports addresses as big as 20 
chars. I'm not sure of the correct implementation here as I have yet to see any usage 
examples, but we can hold a hypothetical discussion in the list about how an address 
longer then 20 chars will look like and how it should be handled if the SMSC does not 
support such addresses.

> That sounds weird to me, or is the address only used internal in the
> smpp part as some indication??

The receiver address is used as the target MSISDN for the SM and the sender address is 
used to inform the receiving party of who sent the SM and where to reply too. at least 
the later can be alpha numeric.

> On top of your patch, would it not be better to have the length of an 
> address
> in some #define and use that?? Then changing the length is 
> done in one place
> only.

it is - in the smpp_pdu.def :
    NULTERMINATED(service_type, 6)
    INTEGER(source_addr_ton, 1)
    INTEGER(source_addr_npi, 1)
    NULTERMINATED(source_addr, 21)
    INTEGER(dest_addr_ton, 1)
    INTEGER(dest_addr_npi, 1)
    NULTERMINATED(destination_addr, 21)
notice the dest_addr and source_addr which are defined as 21 chars null terminated 

Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions

+972-9-9581711 (116)

"...[T]he lesson [comic books] taught children- or this child, at any rate- was 
perhaps the unintentionally radical truth that exceptionality was the greatest 
and most heroic of values; that those who were unlike the crowd were to be 
treasured the most lovingly; and that this exceptionality was a treasure so 
great that it had to be concealed, in ordinary life, beneath what the comic 
books called a 'secret identity'." 
        -- Salman Rushdie 

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