In facts, I has compiled GW without option "--enable-malloc", 'cause "native' is default option. Addition, how to compile a part of GW with "native" and other with "checked" option of malloc???  :)


 Andreas Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

On Mittwoch, September 4, 2002, at 06:42 Uhr, Rumsfeld Donald wrote:

> Hi all,
> My GW was built with native mem-check (default option).
> I think that this error was caused by allocation memory too much.

if you get too many concurrent allocations, your gateway was
definitively built with mem-check option.
There's no native mem-check. There's only native option where every
gw_malloc/gw_free is simply a macro for malloc/free or the "checked"
variant where Kannel's gwlib takes note of all allocations etc to spill
out an error if the gateway is in a runaway phase.

If you are in mode native, kannel would consume more and more memory
(providing there's a memory leak) and at one point in time crashes
maybe (however in our use of gwlib, this didn't happen even after using
1GB of virtual memory).

If you are in mode "checked", kannel stops after a predefined amount of
allocations occur. This can happen under heavy load as a normal process
and doesnt mean kannel is buggy and eating memory. Its normal that
kannel takes a lot of memory under heavy use but it will free it afer
use. So its easy to run into the test limitation of "checked"-mode
without doing anything wrong really.

> Is there some packets that allocated memory before, but would not
> released after life-time ?
> Is there any way to watch packets from the time it's allocated memory
> to the time that it's released? For examples, using log file to track
> each mem block allocated or release in the function gw_malloc() and
> gw_free()?

you don't wana do this. Kannel is constantly allocating / freeing
However if you run into this problem. gwlib spills out the content of
the memory areas used and where they have been allocated so this is
usually enough to find the problem spot.

You might consider doing a full rebuild of your kannel. I got the
feeling some parts of it might be built with native and other's are now
built with checked.

Andreas Fink

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