I'm still pretty new to this code, so if I've missed something fairly basic, if you could just point me in the right direction, I'll go back to searching the code.  :-)
In the meantime, I'm using the latest cvs build of a few days ago, with a Wavecom modem and RedHat 7.2.  I've been able to get SMS messages through OK, and the XML content is properly received through a test cgi running under Apache.  I've got a few questions however:
Originating Address (OA)
This does not get set in the resulting XML object.  In the smsbox.c code, the generation of this field is dependent upon trans->send_sender.   Why is this the case?  Is there any reason we don't want to propogate this information?    Or might there be a problem in the setting of this value?
UDH Element
This is also not being generated.  I'm getting ready to dig into the code on this one, but thought I'd check in case anyone else has already tracked this one down.
AT Element
This one is not a big deal for what I'm trying to put together, however I don't understand the generated values.   The time information on both the system as well as cell phone are accurate, however I get the following in the generated XML object: Feb 21, 1919, 15:57.20, timezone: 0.
My last question actually has little to do with the code but instead the SMS-XML draft recommendation (draft-koponen-sms-xml-03).  In this draft, it mentions several elements where there may be incompatibilies between the GSM, TDMA, and CDMA specification, including PID, DCS, and UDH.  For the UDH, it cites these differences as reasons for only partial support of this field.  As kannel has already preformed UDH parsing it would seem desirable to be able to pass pre-parsed data through the XML object to whatever applications are on the other side, without having to require then to duplicate this work.  After all, applications should not normally be required to be knowledgable about the encoding methods used for the message transfer. 
To facilitate this, while acknowledging potential incompatibilieis between networks, would it not be possible to extend the SMS-XML recommendation to include a source network type (GSM / TDMA / CDMA), and then realize that whatever PID, DCS, UDH, etc. data elements that follow in the object would be specific to that network type?  At least this way we can isolate the UDH parsing to a single place, and hopefully simplify the applications that make use of it.
Anyway, just an idea.....
Best Regards,
-- Tim

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