> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Keogh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> The message identifier of 233 is lost - I guess due to the 
> CMS ERROR 500 reported
> in response the first attempt to send the SM. But, I've asked 
> for delivery reports
> and some time later I get;

> I don't get a report for 234 - next one in is for 235. This 
> really messes up the report
> handling as you might imagine. I get a lot of CMS ERROR 500's 
> for some reason.

This is indeed very weird. I noticed that sometimes the modem "skip" message ids - 
whether there were errors in sending, or simply some time has passed. I assumed that 
the message IDs are generated by the SMSC and not by the modem itself. I didn't 
encounter the secific behaviour that you mention, and frankly - I'm not sure how to go 
about dealing with it.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions

+972-9-9581711 (116)

Animals can be driven crazy by putting too many in too small a pen.
Homo sapiens is the only animal that voluntarily does this to himself.
        -- Lazarus Long

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