i tried to add a standard SMPP interface to the bearerbox(for only know SMPP),so the bearerbox which has already connectted with the SMSC can do as a virtual SMSC. 
Where did you connect that, to the bearerbox, to the smsbox or somewhere else ? what interface it uses to communicate to the rest of Kannel ? 
   but now i have meet a problem,if many SMPP clients connected with the bearerbox ,how to route the  "deliver_sm" to the proper client?
   BTW i cant understand how the bearerbox route the msg to the proper smsbox too,if more than one smsboxes connected with the bearerbox. 
Bearerbox does not route delivery reports to the smsbox that originated the message, as the DLRs are HTTP callbacks, so it doesn't really matter which smsbox will deliver it back as HTTP is stateless. OTOH, there was recently a rewrite of the sms-bearer interface which allows the bearerbox to remember which smsbox sent which message, though I'm not sure how that relates to delivery reports.
Assuming the new smsbox routing logic does not help you, and your application side SMPP interface have access to the message structure used internally by Kannel, then you can simply cache the application messages and match delivery reports to the cache before routing to the originating application - kind of what the current DLR infrastructure in Kannel is doing. you might actually be able to use the same infrastructure for your needs.
Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions
+972-9-9581711 (116)
Reality is an obstacle to hallucination.

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