On Mittwoch, September 18, 2002, at 05:18 Uhr, Mario Fernandez wrote:

Hi everybody,

I´m a newbie in Kannel Gateway and I´m trying to install it in a FreeBSD 4.3 machine, but I´m getting some troubles. When I try to compile Kannel with 'make' command, I get the following error:

SH# cd /usr/local/gateway-1.2.0
SH# make
"Makefile", line 281: Could not find .depend
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

And I can´t understand why... Please could you give an idea for finding out what is happening??

Thank you in advance.

Follow the FAQ and man pages. make doesn't work without a Makefile and without running ./configure you wont get one.

Andreas Fink
Global Networks, Inc.

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