> we discovered this while figuring out why MMS notifications haven't
> been working when using PPG to send the content.
> This push WSP headers must have the Content-type header as the first
> byte in the headers group.
> The 0x01 means "the length of the Content-type header", so 1 bytes
> follows. And then the encoding of the WSP cotent-type itself.

Here's a WSP header decode that I got from an MMSC notification
server. The content type is encoded as

0x01    Transaction Id (S-Unit-MethodInvoke.req::Transaction Id) – variable
0x06    Type: Push
0x07    Header Len: 7
0xBE    Content Type application/vnd.wap.mms-message
0x8D    Header Field Name: Content Length
0x02    Header Field Length
0x00, 0x68      Length of Content (of MMS Not.): 0x68=104
0xAF    Header Field Name: X-WAP-Application-Id
0x84    Value
MMS Headers

How does this match with the byte encoding for your WSP headers
for the MMS notification ?

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