Thanks alot Bernd!

I will try this out!

/Peter Lofman

From: Bernd Kronmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Peter Löfman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sending push using sendsms?
Date: 23 Jan 2003 09:13:05 +0000

That is what we do to deliver SI to handsets:

http://curry:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=tester&password=foobar&to=%2B447771537333&text=%01%06%04%03%AE%81%EA%02%05%6A%00%45%C6%0C%03134.231.12.23/Title.mid?210125%00%11%038@asdksas%00%08%0A%C3%07%20%02%10%17%09%02%23%10%C3%07%20%02%10%17%09%15%33%01%03TestTune This can also contain the Artist%00%01%01&udh=%06%05%04%0B%84%23%F0

One of the main pitfalls of sending SI is that the expiry date is not
set correctly so the handset will just ignore the message.


Breakdown of the message:

%01 Transaction ID/Push ID (Start of WSP header (Wireless
Session Protocol))
%06 PDU type (06=push)
%04 header lenght
%03 content type
%AE headers
%81 :
%EA _:_ (End of WSP header)

%02 Version number WBXML version 1.2
%05 SI 1.0 Public Identifier
%6A Charset UTF-8
%00 String table length
%45 si with content
%C6 indication
%0C href="http://
%03 inline string follows
%11 si id
%03 inline string follows
8@asdksas%00 (random number followed by @asdksas)
%08 action "signal high"
%0A created=
%C3 OPAQUE date follows
%07 length=
%20%02 year
%10%17 month day
%09%02%23 hour minute seconds
%10 si-expire=
%C3 OPAQUE date follows
%07 length=
%20%02 year
%10%17 month day
%09%15%33 hour minute seconds
%01 END (of indication attribute list)
%03 Inline string follows

TestTune This can also contain the Artist%00

%01 END (of indication element)
%01 END (of si element)


On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 07:17, Peter Löfman wrote:
> Is it possible to send a SI message using sendsms cgi script?
> If so, has anyone done it?
> Any example?
> /Peter Lofman
> _________________________________________________________________
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