On Mittwoch, Februar 5, 2003, at 02:19 Uhr, Mary McCarter wrote:

Hi Andreas!
Thanks for your help,
Yes, it is a motorola, How I can set the device-home whith the kannel? does the kannel is cleaning the device:home of my device?

I read that other solve is maping the openwave but, I don't want to map that page because this involve to push Ok and set the openwave in the device, but I could't change it after, I want to do it automatically with the gateway, so how I can do it?

thanks in advance,

The issue here is that the end user phone doesnt request device:home which you can then map to your default page but your device requests the URL www.phone.com. So the only way to fix this is to change the settings of the phone to request something else. This is not an issue of Kannel but of the crappy Motorola phones. If you got it from some US carrier, you might not even be able to set the startup page. Welcome to stone age in mobile communications (also known as USA)

Andreas Fink
Global Networks Switzerland AG

Tel: +41-61-6666333 Fax: +41-61-6666334 Mobile: +41-79-2457333
Global Networks, Inc. Clarastrasse 3, 4058 Basel, Switzerland
Web: http://www.global-networks.ch/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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