Here you go ... in unified format.

On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 15:15, Stipe Tolj wrote:
> Alan,
> can you provide the userguide.xml patch in diff -u (unified) format,
> that should be easier to read and to apply.
> Thanks in advance.
> Stipe
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wapme Systems AG
> Vogelsanger Weg 80
> 40470 Düsseldorf
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> - wherever you are

Index: doc/userguide/userguide.xml
RCS file: /home/cvs/gateway/doc/userguide/userguide.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.201
diff -u -r1.201 userguide.xml
--- doc/userguide/userguide.xml	4 Feb 2003 16:52:20 -0000	1.201
+++ doc/userguide/userguide.xml	11 Feb 2003 06:24:06 -0000
@@ -7414,6 +7414,43 @@
+<title>Log rotation</title>
+	<para>If Kannel is configured so that the bearerbox, wapbox and/or smsbox 
+        log to file each of these log files will continue to grow unless administered
+        in some way (this is especially true if access logs are created and/or the 
+        log level is set to debug). </para>
+        <para>
+        A typical way of administering log files is to 'rotate' the logs on a regular 
+        basis using a tool such as logrotate.  A sample logrotate script (to be added 
+        to /etc/logrotate.d) is shown below. In this example the Kannel log files found 
+        in /var/log/kannel are rotated and compressed daily over 365 days.  See the 
+        documentation for logrotate for more details.  Of particular note however is the 
+        postrotate command, this killall -HUP issues a HUP command to each kannel
+        box running. The HUP signal has the effect of reopening the log file, without this 
+        command Kannel will continue to write to the rotated log file.
+        </para>
+        <screen>
+        <userinput>
+        /var/log/kannel/*.log {
+              daily
+              missingok
+              rotate 365
+              compress
+              delaycompress
+              notifempty
+              create 640 root adm
+              sharedscripts
+              postrotate
+                    killall -HUP bearerbox smsbox wapbox > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+              endscript
+        }
+        </userinput>
+        </screen>
@@ -7471,12 +7508,3 @@

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