
to answer my own question:

On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 02:33 PM, Bas A. Schulte wrote:


I just hooked up a Falcom a2d gsm modem and configured kannel appropriately. Starting bearerbox is all well:
Now whenever an SMS comes in on the modem, this is what shows up in bearerbox's log:

2003-03-26 14:15:09 [6] DEBUG: AT2[muts]: <-- +CMT: ,22
2003-03-26 14:15:10 [6] DEBUG: AT2[muts]: <-- 07911356131313F3040B911356418000F400003030624192930003C2321B
2003-03-26 14:15:10 [6] DEBUG: AT2[muts]: --> AT+CNMA^M
2003-03-26 14:15:10 [6] DEBUG: AT2[muts]: <-- OK

Then nothings happens, the message is not being routed to the appropriate sms-service. Also, the data doesn't make all that much sense to me.

Being new to Kannel combined with gsm modems (luckily not new to kannel's source code), I just copied this, from doc/examples/modems.conf, to my kannel.conf:

id = falcom
name = "Falcom"
detect-string = "Falcom"
no-smsc = true

It appears that "no-smsc = true" is a vital setting in order to have the at2 module recognize pdu's from the modem. In my case, with this setting, kannel spits out the above lines to the log/stderr, and doesn't give any indication as to why the mo message isn't handled. Digging around in the source-code reveals that it doesn't recognize the pdu but doesn't bother to say so ;( Setting 'no-smsc' to "false", or just commenting out the 'no-smsc' line, makes things working ok.

Line 563 (cvs HEAD) of gw/smsc/smsc_at2.c really should have an 'else' with some logging explaining the PDU isn't handled and why.



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