>Who played song "mysterious world" ?? or perhaps is was "mysterious girl"?
>with current CVS HEAD there is the same problem with sleep times :(
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/kannel/gateway$ md5 gw/smsc/smsc_cimd2.c
>MD5 (gw/smsc/smsc_cimd2.c) = e1a4a3d6d621e3d35a9e5e3b818f58c5
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/kannel/gateway$ cvs diff -u gw/smsc/smsc_cimd2.c
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/kannel/gateway$
>50402 root      60   0  6268K  3200K RUN      2:10 99.17% 99.02% bearerbox

I have re-checked this, updated to current CVS, rebuilt binaries and test a
CIMD2 idle cnx.

Everything is ok.

BTW, this is the MD5 I get with current CVS:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] gateway]# md5sum gw/smsc/smsc_cimd2.c
bde1aad2fbf65994141b60e672ae9777  gw/smsc/smsc_cimd2.c

Angel Fradejas
Mediafusión España, S.A.
Tel. +34 91 252 32 00
Fax +34 91 572 27 08

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