Hi All,

First off I want to say what a fantastic product Kannel is and that it
has been working for us very well over the past few months. Except for
one niggling issue, which I think is also a problem for some other
people using SMPP to deliver messages - messages getting "stuck" in the
store file and not being delivered until Kannel gets restarted.

Unfortunately neither I nor anybody else in my company has the skills to
fix this problem in any reasonable amount of time. We are therefore
investigating hiring a contract developer to solve these issues.
So essentially what I am asking is: are any of you currently working on
this problem or know what needs to be done/where to start looking in
order to speed up the development?

We are currently using the latest cvs (1.3.1) using SMPP 3.3 as the
smsbox protocol.


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