Some more details about the problem.


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------------------------------------------------------------------- - wherever you are
--- Begin Message ---
A BUGNOTE has been added to this bug.
Reporter:                   tolj
Project:                    Kannel
Bug ID:                     0000035
Category:                   WAP connection-orientated (port 9201)
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   feature
Priority:                   none
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             07-02-03 18:01 BST
Last Modified:              07-03-03 00:15 BST
Summary:                    Kannel does not handle 'multipart/form-data' as defined by 
WAP specs
When a client passes a POST containing
'application/vnd.wap.multipart.form-data' the body is binary encoded as
binary multipart. Kannel should decode this to 'multipart/form-data' and
hence send a plain text multipart POST reques to the HTTP server.

Currently Kannel sends a POST to the HTTP server, but it simply drops the
binary body in it.

 tolj - 07-03-03 00:15 BST 
ok, here are some details:

when you have the following <go> inside your WML deck:

<go href="/uri" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <postfield name="name1" value="value1"/>
  <postfield name="name2" value="value2"/>

then the WAP client will send the following WSP header in the request:

2003-06-28 15:30:46 [1] DEBUG: WSP: decoding headers:
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [1] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x8249360:
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [1] DEBUG:   len:  1
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [1] DEBUG:   size: 2
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [1] DEBUG:   immutable: 0
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [1] DEBUG:   data: a4                        .
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [1] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [1] DEBUG: WSP: decoded headers:
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [1] DEBUG: Content-Type:
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [1] DEBUG: WSP: End of decoded headers.

which means the body of the POST request is an binary encoded format of the
'multipart/form-data', which is this block:

2003-06-28 15:30:46 [10] DEBUG:   data: xx xx xx xx 02 0e 06 03  
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [10] DEBUG:   data: 83 81 ea ae 08 80 85 6e  
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [10] DEBUG:   data: 61 6d 65 31 00 76 61 6c  
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [10] DEBUG:   data: 75 65 31 0e 06 03 83 81  
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [10] DEBUG:   data: ea ae 08 80 85 6e 61 6d  
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [10] DEBUG:   data: 65 32 00 76 61 6c 75 65  
2003-06-28 15:30:46 [10] DEBUG:   data: 32                        2

which means Kannel sends a POST HTTP request with the *binary* encoded
mutltipart. But it *should* decode
'application/vnd.wap.multipart.form-data' to plain text
'multipart/form-data' request that is then POST'ed to the HTTP server.

So Kannel needs to do binary decode convertion within the request also.

--- End Message ---

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