Title: sendsms using a chosen SMSC

hi all

i am trying to use sendsms-user with the following Kannel bearerbox II version cvs-20030618.  but i am not seeing the correct behaviour and I am wondering if there are any bugs in the version of kannel and if so have they been fixed.

I have about 5 connections to some SMSC using smpp.  All these receive ok.  When i want to send an SMS using a particular SMSC it doesnt seem to work.  It sends it via a random SMSC

my config is a s follows

group = sendsms-user
username = test
password = test
user-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
user-allow-ip = ";10.*.*.*"
max-messages = 10
concatenation = true

i added the following directives but still it seems to use any random SMSC

forced-smsc = smscname
default-smsc = smscname

and the sendsms url is like this


can anyone shed some light on this?  is it worth using the latest CSV or should i go use the stable version?



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