Not having been available for either session so far, I've missed adding some comments.
I think the only logical approach we have, seeing as their is
- some confusion over who legally owns Kannel
- many companies are using it commercially and
- everyone contibutes code based on the 'good for all' principal
is to modif y the existing BSD style license to be owned by the KSF.
This gives us the best of both worlds, namely a legal body to protect the work, and the flexibility to keep working in the way we all are at present.
If I've missed a point from the iRC sessions, apologies, however I think we should think long and hard before taking a different approach
>Personally I see the Kannel Software Foundation as the better approach. It can be >a legal entity which then could sue Microsoft for borrowing the code without >mentioning their product is based on Kannel. Or a common consensus can override an >individual's veto and resolves issues.
>|right. This is a legatime opinion, let's have this discussed online
>|today while the IRC session!

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