Hi Benjamim

Haven't tried with post. Should I?
My sending url is constructed as a GET string, and CGI.pm doesn't like a
mixture of POST and GET.

On 06/10/03, Benjamin Lee ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> See comments inserted below... 
> On Sunday, 2003-10-05 at 10:34:21 AM, Rory Campbell-Lange scribbled:
> > I have a perl script that sends messages and needs to send DLR and
> > validity information.

> > my $dlr_url = uri_escape('http://localhost/cgi-bin/dlr.pl?row=$msgid&dlr=%d');
> > $h->header('X-Kannel-DLR-Mask'      => 7);
> > $h->push_header('X-Kannel-DLR-URL'  =>  $dlr_url);
> > $h->push_header('X-Kannel-Validity' => 7200);
> > my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, timeout => 30,);
> > my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url, $h);
> Just checking... are you saying that...
> my $request = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $url, $h);
>                                 ##^^^^##
Rory Campbell-Lange 

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