El mar, 28-10-2003 a las 18:31, Jörg Pommnitz escribió:

I think he referes to the GPRS traffic to download the content.

Best regards,

> > Stipe Tolj wrote:
> > 
> > correct. Usually the MMSC URL is located in a private network. The
> > only practible way IMO is to use a GPRS modem device to "download" the
> > MMS via the device.
> > 
> > But this is expensive and unreliable in terms of throughput.
> Why should this be expensive? This is just a MMS download, so the sender
> pays for this. Or did you mean non-financial ressources?
> Regards
>   Joerg
|Juan Enrique Gomez Perez
|Metropoli2000 Networks, S.L.
| Phone: +34 914250023 Fax: +34 914250136
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