Hi there,
I have just tried sending messages through another provider via smpp, and
they are giving DLR's back ok, except for not using spaces inbetween fields,
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: short_message:
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: Octet string at 0x8272ad0:
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: len: 102
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: size: 103
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: immutable: 0
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: data: 69 64 3a 31 31 37 35 35 38 34 20 20 20
73 75 62 id:1175584 sub
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: data: 3a 31 30 30 64 6c 76 72 64 3a 31 30 30
73 75 62 :100dlvrd:100sub
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: data: 6d 69 74 20 64 61 74 65 3a 30 33 31 32
31 36 30 mit date:0312160
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: data: 38 31 36 64 6f 6e 65 20 64 61 74 65 3a
30 33 31 816done date:031
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: data: 32 31 36 30 38 31 36 73 74 61 74 3a 44
45 4c 49 2160816stat:DELI
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: data: 56 52 44 74 65 78 74 3a 74 68 69 73 20
69 73 20 VRDtext:this is
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: data: 6d 79 20 6d 65 73 my mes
2003-12-16 08:16:50 [24] DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.

Kannel understands the message is fine, however the stat value cannot be
found.... In the module, I can see that it looks for a space at the end:

/* get err & status code */
if ((curr = octstr_search(respstr, octstr_imm("stat:"), 0)) != -1) {
        vpos = octstr_search_char(respstr, ' ', curr);
        if ((vpos-curr >0) && (vpos != -1))
                stat = octstr_copy(respstr, curr+5, vpos-curr-5);
} else {
        stat = NULL;

I am not sure what could be done to patch this so that it doesn't break
other connections that do use a space.. Any ideas?


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