Hi all,

First of all, I must say I love to contribute to the kannel project, and I
tried hard months ago to be more active, both with comments/votes/advice and
mainly with new code/ideas/features.

We use kannel hard to process heavy premium-sms traffic (several millions
MOs/month), so I guess we have dealed with the kind of issues you might
expect doing this business: thousands of sms-services, sessions, centralized
accounting, and so on. Not so much familiar with the heavy push-only
business (although there we have the push-guru Alex :-)

My main concern about our loss in activity in the devel list is the somewhat
random criteria to accept or reject contributions: a developer is mainly
motivated to contribute to an open source project if he/she sees his/her
work is being taken into consideration, becames part of the tree, you know

But here, to be frank, I have certain bad feelings that my contributions
(not only code, but also ideas, suggestions, RFCs, etc.) have not been very
sucessful (surely for very good reasons), but anyway you cannot abstract
from that feelings.

It comes to my minf for example discussing the need to make billing-info
flow from smsbox to bearerbox (and there were several patches for that, not
mine I have to say), and everybody replying that billing were something
outside the scope of kannel, and so on, so we had the extra work of keeping
that kind of patch in sync with cvs version, and then one day, voilá,
&binfo= appears without any further explanation. That is the kind of
randomness I'm referring to.

Nobody takes offense from my comments, please.

I'm just trying to explain my thoughts.


Angel Fradejas
Mediafusión España, S.A.
Tel +34 91 252 32 00
Fax +34 91 252 59 69

> -----Mensaje original-----
> nombre de Stipe Tolj
> Enviado el: lunes 15 de diciembre de 2003 21:31
> Para: Kannel Devel
> Asunto: [RFC] Call for more development participation
> Hi list,
> we expect that we have a huge ammount of people reading the list
> because they use Kannel actively as SMS or/and WAP gateway for their
> commercial purposes. 
> Alexander and I had a couple of discussions today about how strong (or
> consider the word weak better) the participation in the Kannel Group
> is concerning bug fixing, feature enhancements and general development
> activities.
> Unfortunatly we both came to the conclussion that it is *very poor*.
> It's almost unacceptable that currently only a couple of people are
> commited to the efforts of Kannel and it's future development.
> We don't claim responsibility. This is still an open source project
> and as people can deside to contribute they can alos deside to stop
> contribution. This was the case for WapIT and 3G Lab (as companies) in
> example.
> But we *do claim* responsibility of parties that take the benefits of
> open source by monetozing the work others do for their personal use.
> Those people should be aware of their "responsibility" and should
> contribute to the benefits of their own and the benefits of those who
> made their initial life with Kannel easier.
> So please take this as moral conclussion in terms of the upcoming
> chrismas days and think about the ideas and roles of participation
> within open source software projects... to refraze it in religion
> words: "it's worth more to give, then to take."
> Stipe
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wapme Systems AG
> Münsterstr. 248
> 40470 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany
> phone: +49.211.74845.0
> fax: +49.211.74845.299
> http://www.wapme-systems.de/
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
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