> my Smsc gave me an UCP access but it requires me to connect FROM a defined > PORT and IP address TO a defined PORT and IP address. > > Saying that the EMI/UCP server I need to connect TO is port 5002 > and that my kannel box should connect from port 9000 > > I've set: > group = smsc > smsc = emi > host = > port = 5002 > smsc-username = Pamela > smsc-password = Anderson > keepalive = 60 > our-port = 9000 > receive-port = 900 > > If I trace the connection with tcpdump, I get that my kannel box connects > from port 62523 (this port changes) and not the 9000 as > specified in the connection. > > Question: > 1) Am I doing something wrong ? > 2) If the our-port does not provide the source port config parameter, how do > I setup kannel to open the tcp from the port 9000 ?
the 'our-port' defines the _server_ port of your side of the UCP server itself is about to establish an TCP connection for MO tranmissions ie. It is _not_ defining the client TCP port of the connection towards the server. The OS is assigning this socket port and you _don't_ have a way in defining this inside Kannel's config file. You'll have to go with Linux IP tables and NAT rules to map this. Unfortunatly I can't drop you an very easy example for this. You should either patch Kannel's source to define a hard way in connecting with pre-defined client ports or ask your local Linux guru about the OS IP layer way in doing this. Stipe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wapme Systems AG Münsterstr. 248 40470 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany phone: +49.211.74845.0 fax: +49.211.74845.299 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.wapme-systems.de/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Cygwin) mIsEP6mcYwEEAMDnUiUwrbb+xwTFWN6TxF2+XZu7/alwJMeCwMBRvXtPZqfjpPhS OkBpU0F4TrVuugz1HINTSaJTYq10AzDQXp5NkyWgckqW79nPAWuOX0dicbJk+cN2 nM2TI4KaxUDe6u8hghNEnH/i2lXsUu9apnP/iixzV81VC2je3uc9hZpnAAYptEVT dGlwZSBUb2xqIChUZWNobm9sb2d5IENlbnRlciAmIFJlc2VhcmNoIExhYikgPHRv bGpAd2FwbWUtc3lzdGVtcy5kZT6ItAQTAQIAHgUCP6mcYwIbAwYLCQgHAwIDFQID AxYCAQIeAQIXgAAKCRABV0w1BqPYRuSqA/wPzsQxao2YePENCtgRTrO86U6zg3sl OcS6CJFI4FZP5h/xD3GRsNH1+MPSvZlomDdpFnr547DGz/Kq9MXuQwVvlVig5yWZ K5dtKp1r5YLhxJQBhfirZbRFFnYmf19f18J8OoS28tuFVftDl1AIwJS3HLyBTv6H g2HyLAEKQIp30Q== =aYCI -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----