This patch add support for the binfo and rpi parameters.
Med vennlig hilsen,
Eurobate ASA

Arne K. Haaje
Senior Network Engineer
    Eurobate ASA - Postboks 4589 Nydalen - 0404 Oslo - Norway
Phone: +47 23 22 73 73 - Fax: +47 23 22 73 74 - Mob: +47 92 88 44 66
--- /tmp/kannel-snapshot/gw/smsc/smsc_cimd2.c	2003-07-20 18:23:05.000000000 +0200
+++ smsc_cimd2.c	2003-10-22 13:30:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -1377,9 +1377,15 @@
     /* Turn off reply path as default.
      * This avoids phones automatically asking for a reply
-     * However, it is a nice feature and could be enabled through a parameter
-    packet_add_int_parm(packet, P_REPLY_PATH, 0, conn);
+	if (msg->sms.rpi > 0)
+		packet_add_int_parm(packet, P_REPLY_PATH, 1, conn);
+	else
+    	packet_add_int_parm(packet, P_REPLY_PATH, 0, conn);
+	/* Use binfo to set the tariff class */
+	if (octstr_len(msg->sms.binfo))
+		packet_add_parm(packet, P_INT, P_TARIFF_CLASS, msg->sms.binfo, conn);
     truncated = 0;


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